MxM Help Files (alphabetic)

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MxM Help Files (alphabetic)


For Medialon Manager 6 and Medialon Showmaster 2 platforms

Medialon Products such as Medialon Manager and Medialon Showmaster use plug-in drivers called MXM (Medialon XObject Modules) to control devices. There exists a wide range of MXMs for the most widespread devices on the market connected through Serial, Midi, Time Code*, Infrared*, Modbus*, OPC*, TCP/IP etc. Medialon Products also include a powerful tool to write your own drivers in Serial, TCP/IP, UDP and MIDI. These drivers can be shared on with other Medialon users. (*) These protocols are not supported by all products.

Independently from the plug-in drivers, Medialon Products use a resource to physically connect to a device. These resources are provided by a software layer called MRC. This resource can be a Windows serial or relay card, a Windows over IP serial converter, and since version 5 any other hardware such as AMX NetLinx, Artistic Licence Artnet, Windows PC resources, Global Cach�, etc. Showmaster products come with their own resources (embedded resources) such as Serial ports, MIDI ports, I/O ports and DMX ports.

Medialon Manager also includes MXMs plug-ins to add functionalities or control new types of devices encountered in modern AV / IT installations: SQL Database for data management, FTP Site for media management and transfer, Email engine, Telephony engine to build up a DTMF server, etc. Medialon Manager really brings the power of AV/IT to Show and Media Control.

Please refer to Medialon General User's Guide for more details on MXMs and MRCs.

All MXMs sorted by name
Showmaster ST Showmaster Pro Showmaster LE Showmaster XS Showmaster iPro Showmaster Mini Manager Pro Manager Lite Manager Kiosk
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Page edited [d/m/y]: 09/10/2024