Medialon MxMs' Help
Name: Medialon HTTP Client
Version: 6.7.3
Available for: Manager V7 and Manager V6 (Lite & Pro), Showmaster (Mini, ST, Pro, LE)
Limitation In:
Device Brand: Medialon
Positrack Compatible: No
Ressources type: TCP/IP Network


This MxM allows sending HTTP/HTTPS requests to a HTTP Server. These requests are GET, POST, PUT and DELETE. These requests may be used to send/receive commands (for instance to REST compliant services, such as ‘Bing Maps’, ‘LinkedIn’ or ‘eBay’ online services, and many others, sometime offline, such as those embedded in appliances like ‘Philips hue’) but also to send/retrieve documents or data.

The selection between HTTP and HTTPS is merely done via the URL value indicated in the ‘URL’ parameter of commands. This MXM supports the following authentication methods: - Basic - Digest-MD5

MxM Installation

The MXM Medialon HTTP Client requires Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package (x86) to be installed into your computer to operate properly. You can download this package here: vcredist_x86.exe.

Device Setup

Device creation window:

“Ignore SSL Errors”: (Disabled by default) This Setup option allows to ignore Ssl errors generated by self-signed certificate for example.

Note: Disabling this option will have an effect after reloading the project or restarting the application if the device has already been used.

Device Commands


Requests data from the specified server.

Note: The length of an URL is limited to a maximum of 2048 characters.


Submits data to be processed by the specified server.

Download File

Download a file from the server and save it in a specific directory.

Note: This command is similar to the ‘Get’ command, as it uses a GET request, but allows managing files in a more convenient manner.


Uploads data into the specified server.

Note: This command sends a PUT request, which most servers do not allow. For general upload mechanisms, including that of uploading files (such as HTML forms do), use the ‘Post’ command.


Sends a request to delete the data/document into the specified server..

Note: This feature is currently available for HTTP only (not supported in HTTPS).

Get Header

Get a specific Header from a list of Headers.

Note: This command is a convenient command to manipulate the parameters ‘Request Header’ of some commands or the content of the variable ResponseHeader.

Add Header

Add a specific Header to a list of Headers.

Note: This command is a convenient command to manipulate the parameters ‘Request Header’ of some commands or the content of the variable ResponseHeader.

Note: Each Headers are separted by ‘\r\n’ characters. This variable can be used in a Medialon List. Each Header contains a name and a value which are separated by a ‘:’ character (ex: Connection:Keep-Alive).

Device Variables


[Enum] Current status of the device.


[Enum] Current error status of the device.


[String] Contains the response to the last Request when properly sent and processed


[String] Contains the headers of the response to the last Request when properly sent and processed.

Note: Each Headers are separated by ‘\r\n’ characters. This variable can be used in a Medialon List. Each Header contains a name and a value which are separated by a ‘:’ character (ex: Connection:Keep-Alive). Commands ‘Get Header’ or ‘Add Header’ can be used to manipulate this variable.


[Integer] Contains the HTTP Status Code delivered in the response to the last Request


[Integer] Indicates the download progress status of a ‘Download File’ command (from 0 to 100)


[Integer] Indicates the upload progress status of a ‘Put’ command (from 0 to 100)


V 6.0.0

V 6.0.1

V 6.0.2

V 6.1.0

V 6.1.1

V 6.1.2

V 6.7.0

V 6.7.1

V 6.7.2

V 6.7.3