Pictures MxM provides a way to dynamically display still
pictures and editable text in Manager user’s screens.
Pictures supported format are JPEG, BMP, ICO and WMF.
Images can be streched and scrolled at a adjustable speed,
text can be written and scroll in the same way. The user
can easily create a task in Manager for displaying sequences
of images.
MxM Installation
No special installation required.
Device Setup
Device creation window:
You can choose between to display mode: in the container of a user-screen or in a separate window where, in that
case, you must check “Show window when Debug/Run” in the Setup dialog box.
To display the device in a UserScreen’s container, use the Manager’s DeviceControl command as shown below:
Parameter ‘Device Name’ indicates the name of the Picture device (here Picture_1)
Parameter ‘Control Type’ is set to ‘Display’
Parameter ‘Container Name’ indicates the name of the container into which the picture device must be displayed (here Container_1).
Default Picture Window Settings:
These settings enable to define the aspect of the default
picture window when object containers are not used to
display the view.
Left: Defines the left position of the window.
Top: Defines the Top position of the window.
Width: Defines the width of the window.
Height: Defines the height of the window.
Select: Enable to graphically select coordinates using the mouse
Screen: Set coordinates to the current screen position and size.
Window style: Defines if the window is a moveable, a moveable and sizeable or a fixed window.
Show window when Debug/Run:
Defines if the picture window must be displayed when Manager
switches to Debug or Run mode. In that case, the picture
window is not displayed in a UserScreen’s container.
Device Commands
Set picture
To set the picture file name to be displayed.
Picture Path [String] Full path name of the file
Usage: Supported format are JPEG, BMP, ICO and WMF
Set Stretch
To stretch the picture.
On/Off [Enum]
“On”: the picture will fit the container size.
“Off”: the picture will keep its proper size.
Usage: This command has no effect on text.
Set Scroll
To scroll the text or the picture displayed.
Step [Type:Integer] The amount of pixels of each scroll
Period [Integer] The amount of time between each step in milliseconds
Write Text
To write a text in the container.
Text [String] Text to be displayed.
Font Name [String] Name of the font.
Font Color [Enum] Color of the font. The names of the colors are language dependent.
Font Size [Integer] The size of the font
Background Color [Enum] Color of the background
Stamp an image
Stamp a image into the existing image.
Picture filename [String] Full path name of the file.
Top [Integer] Top position where to stamp the image.
Left [Integer] Left position where to stamp the image.
Transparency [Enum]
“Off”: no transparency.
“On”: the color of the fist pixel (0,0) of the stamp will be considered as the transparency color.
ID [Integer] The ID of stamp (used in the next commands).
Usage: Supported format are JPEG, BMP, ICO and WMF. Transparent
color is selected on the pixel 0,0 of the image.
Move stamp
To move a stamp previously added.
Top [Type:Integer] The new top coordinate of the stamp
Left [Integer] The new left coordinate of the stamp
ID [Integer] The ID of stamp.
Remove stamp
To remove a stamp from the image.
ID [Integer] The ID of stamp.
Device Variables
V 1.0.1
Added: Support for Manager Kiosk
V 6.0.0
Modified: Support of Manager V6/Showmaster V2.
V 6.0.1
Fixed: Setup dialog doesn’t open on the correct screen on a multi-screen configuration.
V 6.0.2
Fixed: Device variables are not reset after a project load (Requires Manager 6.0.3+).
V 6.0.3
Fixed: In some cases the Picture is not displayed when the window becomes visible.
Added: A warning message informs the User that the ‘Show window when debug/Run’ option doesn’t support the Container use.
Fixed: The Setup dialog box is not always fully visible at the device creation time.
Fixed: In multi screen configuration, the ‘Select position using mouse cursor’ doesn’t work properly.
V 6.7.0
Improved: Support for High DPI displays (require Manager 6.7.0+ or Showmaster Editor 2.7.0+)
Changed: Compatibility for Manager 6.7.0 and Showmaster Editor 2.7.0