Medialon MxMs' Help
Name: Richmond SoundMan
Version: 6.7.2
Available for: Manager V7 and Manager V6 (Lite & Pro), Showmaster (Mini, ST, Pro, LE, XS & iPro)
Limitation In:
Device Brand: Medialon
Resources: Network/TCP/IP
Positrack Compatible: Yes


This mxm provides IP control to the Richmond Soundman server.

SoundMan-Server is a virtual sound system. It is an audio routing, playback and processing solution.. It runs under Windows and uses ASIO drivers. The software runs as a server and thus can be controlled externally by TCP/IP on the network. (See for more details).

MxM Installation

No specific installation as long as the computer has a network card to communicate with the SoundMan.

Device Setup

Setup dialog box:

If a SoundMan server is running, enter its IP address in the TCP/IP address edit box and then click the “Update” button: the interface list will be filled with the names of the ASIO interfaces present on the computer where SoundMan is running.

When you select an interface, the SoundMan server returns the count of live inputs and the count of outputs of the selected interface: these values are displayed in the corresponding edit boxes and if the count of playback inputs is higher than the count of playbacks supported by the SoundMan, it is lowered.

If no SoundMan server is running, enter the values manually. If you enter a value of ‘0’ for the interface ID, the first interface found will be taken.

Important note: The maximum count of playback inputs supported by the SoundMan server is 999 but Manager monitoring variables are created for each playback input, so think about it when you enter this count if you don’t want your project to be overloaded with variables.

The remote path and the local path is the same path, the one where the media are stored. The remote path is the path as seen from the computer where Manager is running. The local path is the path as seen from the computer where SoundMan is running.

Graphical User Interface

This MxM provides a Device Control Panel that can be displayed either as a stand alone window or inside a User Screen Contenair object with the “Device Control” Manager command. Note: See the Manager Help menu for details about using this command.

The Device Control Panel has 2 main functions:

Direct Control


The drop down lists at the top left allows selecting the range of inputs and outputs which are displayed in the control panel.


A status LED indicator at the top right shows the current status of the Soundman. Note that the LED flashes while the MxM is initiliazing the connection to the Soundman (approx. 10 seconds).


Each audio input can be controlled and monitor via a dedicated panel.

Live Matrix / Playback Matrix

The SoundMan has two sets of inputs: each set can be selected by these buttons..

Selected Playback Input Detail

Clicking on one input panel selects the input and shows additional related controls at he bottom left of the control panel.


The crosspoint grid shows the levels of the crosspoints. Left click on any crosspoint to set the level of the crosspoint. Right-click on a crosspoint to fine-tune its level.

Output control

Each audio output can be controlled and monitor via a dedicated panel.

Preset Editing

A preset is a set of pre-programmed commands which can be sent all at once to the SoundMan either via the Control Panel or via a cue in a task. To add a command to a preset, merely change its associated control value (for example, moving a fader). Once a command is part of a preset it is drawn with a special violet background color. To remove a command from a preset, click on the control with while the Ctrl key is pressed.

Presets can be created and executed by the Preset Management Panel on the right of the control panel.

Click on the display to modify the fade time.

Device Commands

Notes about Positrack:

Commands marked with a star (*) are positracked.

Positracking processes only the values which are modified from the beginning of the positracked timeline up to the the positrack point. This means for example that an input fade level would not be modified by positracking if there’s no cue which impacts this input fade level from the beginning of the timeline up to the positrack point. If there’s a need to set the “initial state” of positrack, the programmer can insert a preset cue (which sets the intial values of all of the values which need to be positracked) at the begining of the timeline.

The positracking of commands which accept a fade time, positracks only the target fade value (as the fade is performed by the SoundMan hardware).

Set output level*

To set the level of a specified output, with ramp time.

Mute output*

To mute the specified output.

Solo output*

To solo the specified output.

Set output equalizer

To equalize the specified output.

Set live input crosspoint level*

To set the mix level of the input of the device to the specified output, with ramp time.

Set live input level*

To set the level of an input, with ramp time.

Mute live input*

To mute an input.

Solo live input*

To solo an input.

Set live input delay*

To set the delay of an input.

Set live input equalizer

To equalize an input.

Set playback input crosspoint level*

To set the mix level of the input of the device to the specified output, with ramp time.

Set playback input level*

To set the level of an input, with ramp time.

Mute playback input*

To mute an input.

Solo playback input*

To solo an input.

Set playback input delay*

To set the delay of an input.

Set playback input equalizer

To equalize an input.

Get Audio File List

To list the files located in the media folder (specified in the setup).

Load for playback*

To load the specified audio file on the input.

Note: for backward compatibility, a value of “0” is allowed and specifies also the first track of the file.


To play the audio file loaded in the input (after a pause, use “resume”).


To pause the audio file loaded in the input.


To stop the audio file loaded in the input.


To rewind the audio file loaded in the input.


To resume the audio file loaded in the input (play after a pause)


To locate the audio file loaded in the input at he specified timecode.


To set the group of this input, for the “General playback” sync command of the Master device.

Group Play

To play the audio file loaded in these inputs (after a pause, use “resume”).

Group Pause*

To pause the audio file loaded in the input.

Group Stop

To stop the audio file loaded in these inputs.

Group Rewind

To rewind the audio file loaded in these inputs.

Group Resume

To resume the audio file loaded in these inputs (play after a pause)

Group Submaster Gain

Sets the level of the submaster for all the i/o of this group.

Take Preset*

Executes the currently active preset.

Recall Preset*

Recalls a preset and make it the currently active preset. Note that no commands are sent to the SoundMan when a preset is recalled. Commands are sent only when the “Take Preset” command is executed.

Start Timecode

Start the specified timecode generator.

Stop Timecode

Stop the specified timecode generator.

Device Variables


[Enum] Current status of the SoundMan.


[Enum] Current status of the las command.


[String] List of the presets defined for this device.


[Integer] Number of the last error, if any.


[String] Message of the last error, if any.


[Time] Current value of the time generated by the timecode generator #1.


[Time] Current value of the time generated by the timecode generator #2.

Variables for each input:


[Enum] Playback status for this input.


[Time] Current timecode position for this input.


[Integer] Currently loaded selection ID (0 = none).


[Integer] Duration of the currently loaded selection.


V 1.0.1

V 1.0.2

V 1.0.3

V 1.0.4

V 1.0.5

V 1.0.6

V 1.0.7

V 6.0.0

V 6.0.1

V 6.0.2

V 6.1.0

V 6.1.1

V 6.1.2

V 6.7.0