Medialon MxMs' Help
Name: Louth VDCP
Version: 6.7.2
Available for: Manager V7 and Manager V6 (Lite & Pro), Showmaster (Mini, ST, Pro, LE, XS & iPro)
Limitation In:
Device Brand: Louth, Harris Automation
Positrack Compatible: Yes (but “LoadNextClip” commands are not positracked)
Resources type: Serial
Compatible hardware interfaces - available resource modules (MRC):
[Serial]Comtrol Device Master
[Serial]Global Cache
[Serial]Sealevel SeaLINK
[Serial]Showmaster LE
[Serial]Showmaster Serial
[Serial]Windows COM


The Louth VDCP protocol is a popular RS422 control protocol for Video Disc Recorders or Video Servers. This MxM implements the main functionalities of VDCP. With this MxM, the user can build a PlayList of clips by using “Load Clip”/“Load Next Clip” commands and then let the MXM plays the PlayList seamlessly.

MxM Installation

No special installation required

Device Setup

Device creation window:

Communication Port: Communication port used to communicate with the Device.

Signal Port: Signal port of the controlled device which is controlled by this device.

The signal port can be either an output or an input port. Each Signal Port to control needs a dedicated communication port. A “Device” must be created for each Signal Port.

Note that the MxM has no way to know what are the ports supported on the controlled device a correct value must be entered in this field.

TimeCode type: Timecode type used on the controlled device.

Device Commands


Stops the device.


Starts playing video.Plays the PlayList.


Starts recording video.

Usage: The record command should only be used once a CreateClip command has been issued.

Fast Forward

Performs a fast forward play on the device at the maximum speed.

Fast Reverse

Performs a fast reverse play on the device at the maximum speed.


Pauses the device.


Sets the device time position to the specified position.

Variable Speed

Causes the device to play in variable speed, forward or reverse.

Example: a value of 20 will play forward at twice the nominal speed.

Get Clip List

Gets the list of existing clips in the Video Disc Recorder. The list is returned in the ClipList system variable as a string. Clip names are separated by CR/LF character.

Usage: The MxM automatically gets and updates the ClipList.

Use the GetClipList command to manually refresh the Clip List.

Load Clip

Clears the PlayList, add the clip to the PlayList and loads the clip in the Video Disc Recorder.

Usage: In the current version of the MxM, the TimeCodeIn and TimeCodeOut parameters are ignored and the full clip is always loaded.

If only part of a clip is required to be played, the CopyClip command can be used as a workaround.

Load Next Clip

Adds a clip to the PlayList.

If the timecode value is “00:00:00/00”, the VDR timecode is set to the start of the clip, otherwise it is set to the given time code.

Usage: In the current version of the MxM, the TimeCodeIn and TimeCodeOut parameters are ignored and the full clip is always loaded.

If only part of a clip is required to be played, the CopyClip command can be used as a workaround.

Create Clip

Creates a clip in the Video Disc Recorder. This command may be followed by a “Record” command to start the recording.

Otherwise the recording stops when the timecode reaches the “Timecode Out” value.

Delete Clip

Deletes a clip in the Video Disc Recorder.

Copy Clip

Copies part of the specfied clip into a new clip.

Usage: The new clip is automatically added to the clip list

Play Next Clip

Plays the next clip in the PlayList.

Play Previous Clip

Plays the previous clip in the PlayList.

Load PlayList

Loads a Playlist.


Each clip name of the play list must be separated by CR/LF characters.

Device Variables


[Time] position of the current clip as an offset from the start of the clip.


[Enum] Current status of the device.


[Enum] Last occured error.

Current Clip

[String] Name of the current clip.

Current Clip Duration

[Time] Duration of the current clip.

Clip List

[String] List of existing clips in the Video Digital Recorder as retrieved by the GetClipList() command. Clip names are separated by CR/LF.

Clip Count

[Integer] Count of existing clips in the Video Digital Recorder as retrieved by the GetClipList() command.

Play List

[String] List of clips in the PlayList. Clip names are separated by CR/LF.

Play List Count

[Integer] Number of clips in the Play List.

Play List Index

[Integer] Index of the current clip in the PlayList. The index of the first clip ot he PlayList is 0.


V 1.0.1

V 1.0.2

V 1.0.3

V 6.0.0

V 6.0.1

V 6.0.2

V 6.1.0

V 6.1.1

V 6.1.2

V 6.2.0

V 6.7.0