The Encore™ system is an open, scaleable platform for full
router and facility control that features tight integration
with automation systems, third-party tally and UMD systems,
and other equipment. This scalable system gives everything
from simple crosspoint configuration to real-time
centralized and distributed machine control.
With the help of the MxM, you will be able to
take (commute) one source to one destination on a special
level (layer).
You’ll be able also to take, in one shot, multiple sources
to one or more destination on specific levels.
The connection to the
is done
MxM Installation
MxM doesn’t require any specific installation.
Device Setup
Device creation window:
The MXM have to be informed of the IP address.
The MXM can also reconnect automatically depending on user’s desire.
Device Commands
Protect a destination on a specific level/layer.
Destination: [String] Name of the destination must be preceded by its area name and ‘:’. For example, SHOWROOM:SCREEN1.
Level: [Enum] List of all levels You can use the wizard to choose a level by its name.
Unprotect a destination on a specific level/layer.
Destination: [String] Name of the destination must be preceded by its area name and ‘:’. For example, SHOWROOM:SCREEN1.
Level: [Enum] List of all levels You can use the wizard to choose a level by its name.
Take Single Source
Basic command to take a source to a
destination on a specific level. You can choose to
‘feed’ the stack of commands Take Breakaway by this command
or send it directly to the device, depending on the mode you choose.
Mode: [Enum] Choose the mode of your command
“Breakaway Stack”.
Source: [String] Name of the source must be preceded by its area name and ‘:’. For example, TECHROOM:VID2.
Destination: [String] Name of the destination must be preceded by its area name and ‘:’. For example, SHOWROOM:SCREEN1.
Level: [Enum] List of all levels You can use the wizard to choose a level by its name. You can also specify to take the source on all levels.
Take Breakaway
Send all commands in the stack for breakaway.
Note: The breakaway stack is automatically
emptied when this command is executed. To manually empty
the stack, see command Clear
Clear Breakaway
Clear the Breakaway stack.
Take Salvo
Take Salvo.
Destination: [String] Salvo Name.
A wizard can help you to choose one of the salvo of your
Device Variables
[String] List of all sources of the device.
[String] List of all destinations of the device.
[String] List of all areas of the device.
[String] List of all salvos of the device.
[String] List of all levels of the device.
[Enum] Current error message of the device.
Note: This enum is dynamically filled with all
possible message returned by the device.
“No Error”:Device is Ok
“Network Error”:A network or transmission error occurred
[Enum] Current status of the connection to the device.
“Network Not Connected”: Not connected to the network
“Network Disconnecting”: Trying to disconnect from the network
“Network Connecting”: Trying to connect to the network
“Network Connected”: Connected to the network
“Encore Connecting”: Trying to connect to Encore™
“Encore Connected”: Connected to Encore™
“Encore Disconnecting”: Trying to disconnect from Encore™
“Encore Disconnected”: Disconnected from Encore™
[Integer] Number of destinations concerned by
Take Breakaway command.
[String] Message of state/warning coming
from breakaway.
V 1.0.1
Added: Support for Showmaster.
V 1.0.2
Added: Support for Showmaster Pro.
V 6.0.0
Modified: Support of Manager V6/Showmaster V2.
V 6.0.1
Fixed: Setup dialog doesn’t open on the correct screen on a multi-screen configuration.
V 6.0.2
Fixed: Device variables are not reset after a project load (Requires Manager 6.0.3+).
V 6.1.0
Added: Support for Showmaster LE & Showmaster XS platforms.
V 6.1.1
Fixed: The MXM does not appear as certified under Manager.
V 6.1.2
Fixed: The Setup dialog box is not always fully visible at the device creation time.
V 6.2.0
Added: Compatibility for Overture CS.
V 6.7.0
Improved: Support for High DPI displays (require Manager 6.7.0+ or Showmaster Editor 2.7.0+)
Changed: Compatibility for Manager 6.7.0 and Showmaster Editor 2.7.0
Fixed: Unloading that MXM might freeze the ShowControl software.