Medialon MxMs' Help
Name: Medialon EventLog
Version: 6.7.2
Available for: Manager V7 and Manager V6 (Kiosk, Lite & Pro), Showmaster (Mini)
Limitation In:
Device Brand: Medialon
Positrack Compatible: No
Resources type: None


MXM EventLog is designed to trace messages and events for a reporting system. It provides functions to store, sort, export and print events listed by date and time.

A classic application of EventLog MXM is a tracer file in show controller to report all defaults and alarms which occured during the show.

EventLog MXM provides a set of functions to manage events.

All traced events are stored in the current log file which is part of the log database of events. The events storage file could be changed automatically every period which could be defined as every: Day, Week, Month or Year.

Two lists of events are available. The first one display current events (real time incomming events) whereas the second is used to manipulate events. Events manipulations could be sort events, print events, export events etc…

The length of an event message in the EventList or in the SelectedEventList is limited to 252 chars plus the header of the message (date, time and time). However, the full message length is stored in the database file.

MxM Installation

No special installation required.

Device Setup

Device creation window:

Event Log File Path: Path of the directory on which the log files will be stored.

Base file name (log): This is a base file name which will be used to create the current log file name. Ex: EventLogFile.2000.M10.lbd

Switch file frequency: Specify every time the log file must be changed. Every Month cause the log file to be changed ( a new file created) every month.

Event window width (event): Specify the number of last events maintained in the CurrentEventList.

When an event is traced, it’s both store in log file and added into the CurrentEventList. If the number of elements of CurrentEventList becomes larger than this value, the first element of the list is removed but not from the log file.

Event types setting: Enumerate all the available types of events. Custom events types could be created. This types could be used in commands to select desired type of events.

Printer: Specify the printer used to print events list.

Device Commands

Trace Event

Store a new events in the log file and the CurrentEventList.

Other custom value are autorized.

Clear Events

Clear CurrentEventList variable

Usage: This command only clear the variable, events in log file are maintained.

Set File Switch Frequency

Set the frequency to swap the log file to new file.

Set Event Window

Change the number of last maintained events in the CurrentEventList.

Select Events

Select events from a log file and store them in SelectedEventList.

Usage: when the command completed, ‘SortedEventList’ variable contains selected events.

Print Events

Print an events list.

Export Events

Export as text file an events list.

Change Event Log File Path

Change the folder path where are stored log files.

Select & Export Events

Select events from a log file and export them into a text file.

Device Variables


[Enum] Current status of the device.


[Integer] Number of events in the CurrentEventList.


[String] Current list of last events.


[Integer] Number of events in the SortedEvenList.


[String] List of seleted events.


[Enum] Current status of the printer.


[Integer] Number of page printed.


[String] Current log file folder path.


V 1.0.1

V 1.0.2

V 1.0.3

V 1.0.4

V 6.0.0

V 6.0.1

V 6.0.2

V 6.0.3

V 6.0.4

V 6.0.5

V 6.0.6

V 6.1.0

V 6.7.0