Compute an hexadecimal string into an integer value.
String: [String] String to analyze.
Return value: [Integer] Return integer.
Integer to hexadecimal string
Return the string representation of an integer value.
Integer value: [Integer] Integer to analyze.
Min count: [Integer] Minimum count of digits.
Return String: [String] String to return.
Left string
Return the left part of a string.
String: [String] String to analyze.
Count of characters: [Integer] Count of character of the substring to return.
Return string: [String] Return string.
Right string
Return the right part of a string.
String: [String] String to analyze.
Count of characters: [Integer] Count of character of the substring to return.
Return string: [String] Return string.
Read ASCII character
Return the value of a character in ASCII.
String: [String] String to analyze.
Position of the characters: [Integer] Position of the character to return.
Return ASCII value: [String] Return value.
Write ASCII character
Change a character in a string by an ASCII value.
String: [String] String to modify.
Position of the characters: [Integer] Position of the character to modify.
ASCII value: [String] ASCII value of the character.
Pad String
Fill a string with a serie of one character to a string until a specified length.
String: [String] String to modify.
Length: [Integer] The resulting desired length.
Side: [Enum]
“Left”: the characters are added at the head of the string.
“Right”: the characters are added at the end of the string.
Character ASCII value: [Integer] ASCII value of the character to add.
Replace character
Replace a character value in a string.
String: [String] String to analize.
Character to replace: [Integer] The ascii value of the character to replace.
Replacement character to replace: [Integer] The ascii value of the replacement character.
Multiple following characters: [Enum]
“Yes”: if several following character are found, the suite is replaced by one character.
“No”: each character found is replaced.
Occurence: [Enum]
“All”: all the occurences of the character are replaced.
“First”: only the first occurences of the character is replaced.
“Last”: only the last occurences of the character is replaced.
Return string: [String] Return string.
Rotate string
Rotate the characters of a string.
String [String] String to rotate
Usage: This command can be used for a scroll
effect in a display. Each time the command is called,
the first character of the string is moved at the end
of the string. In order to create a real scroll effect,
the string must end with white spaces or with dots
Build up a block of strings separated by specified character
ASCII values.
String block [String] Original block of strings.
Separator [Integer] Separator ASCII value between 1 and 255 (0 is not allowed).
String to add [String] The string that has to be added at the end of the original block.
Return string [String] Destination block of strings (can be the same as the original).
Read string from block
Read back a string from a block of strings at the specified
String block [String] Block of strings to read from.
Separator [Integer] Separator ASCII value between 1 and 255 (0 is not allowed).
Index [Integer] Position of the string in the block (starting at 0).
Return string [String] Variable filled with the value in return.
Compute the given string with one of the available algorithm.
String[String] String to compute.
Type: [Enum] Type of algorihtm.
“MD5”: Message Digest 5.
“CRC32”: Cyclic Redundancy Check 32 Bits.
“CRC16”: Cyclic Redundancy Check 16 Bits.
“CRC8”: Cyclic Redundancy Check 8 Bits.
“SUM”: Sum of bytes.
Result Type: [Enum] Type (form) of the result.
“Normal”: Result data are provided in a raw format.
“Escaped”: A ‘!’ escape character is placed before each hexa decimal value.
Result[String] Variable filled with the value in return.
Note: The input string accept ‘!’ escape char to encode hexadecimal char (!01 is 01h).
Note: If the given return parameter is a String, the result of the computation will be given in hexadecimal ascii chars. If the return parameter is an Integer or a Real, the command try to fill-in with an integer value macthing the result (MD5 type return 0 in this case as the result is a 128 bits value).
Device Variables
No variables.
V 1.0.1
Added: Support for Showmaster.
V 1.0.2
Added: Support for Showmaster Pro.
V 1.0.3
Added: ‘Compute’ command.
V 1.0.4
Fixed: In some circusmtances, cues may not be executed.
V 1.0.5
Added: Support for Manager Kiosk.
V 6.0.0
Modified: Support of Manager V6/Showmaster V2.
V 6.0.1
Fixed: Device variables are not reset after a project load (Requires Manager 6.0.3+).
V 6.1.0
Added: Support for Showmaster LE & Showmaster XS platforms.
V 6.1.1
Fixed: “Read String From Block” command do not detect the end of the string, the command returns the last block whenever the index parameter indicates a non existing block.
Modified: Internal Changes.
V 6.1.2
Fixed: “Delete substring”, “Insert substring”, “Replace substrings”, “Lowercase string”, “Uppercase string”, “Write ASCII char”, “Pad string” and “Rotate string” commands fail to execute if length of the given string is greater than 2048.
V 6.1.3
Fixed: Direction of some command parameters are not correct.
V 6.2.0
Added: Compatibility for Overture CS.
V 6.7.0
Improved: Support for High DPI displays (require Manager 6.7.0+ or Showmaster Editor 2.7.0+)
Changed: Compatibility for Manager 6.7.0 and Showmaster Editor 2.7.0