Medialon MxMs' Help
Name: DoremiLabs V1 & Nugget
Version: 6.7.2
Available for: Manager V7 and Manager V6 (Lite & Pro), Showmaster (Mini, ST, Pro, LE, XS & iPro)
Limitation In:
Device Brand: Doremi Labs
Positrack Compatible: Yes
Resources type: UDP/IP Network, Serial
Compatible hardware interfaces - available resource modules (MRC):
[Serial]Comtrol Device Master
[Serial]Global Cache
[Serial]Sealevel SeaLINK
[Serial]Showmaster LE
[Serial]Showmaster Serial
[Serial]Windows COM


Doremi Labs offers a range of MJPEG ,MPEG and uncompressed high quality video players and recorders. This MxM allows the control of Doremi Labs V1 or Doremi Labs Nugget machines. This type of video recorder/player offers an interesting alternative to the standard analog video recorders. The connection between the MXM and the device could be either a RS422 connection (Sony 9 Pin connector) or a Network connection (UDP/IP).

In addition to the standard VTR commands, this MXM provides Clips management function. Clips are named Segments in the Doremi V1 litterature (which is more closed to what a clip is, inside a V1) for single file machines and are named Files for multi file machines.

Single file machines are seems as a 24h virtual tape machine like a VTR whereas multiple files machines are seems as video file servers (multiple 24h virtual tape). In this last case, each file has a name (Clip name) composed by a maximum of 8 characters.

In a single file machine a clip is a reference to a Timecode In and a Timecode Out position in the video contents (virtual tape). An important feature of clips in addition to “save” portions of video into memories, is to be able to link these clips in between seamless (back to back) and to create loops with them. NOTE: When clips are used, positack feature inside timelines is not relevant and cannot be used.

In a multi file machine, a clip is a file name combined with a Timecode In and a Timecode Out information. This means that multiple Clips can reference the same file but with different Timecode In and Timecode Out.

The MXM remains compatible with previous version of the V1 (single file), therefore some commands and variables have different behavior and/or meaning if the controlled device is a previous V1 (single file) or a new V1/Nugget (multi file). Those differences are explained in detail below.

IMPORTANT: To be able to support multi file machines, ‘Clip ID’ has been changed to ‘Clip Name’ but if the machine is a single file one, the Clip Name MUST be a numeric ID (1 to 2047) otherwize commands using Clip Name will fail.

Synchronisation consideration

In order to synchronize (frame accurate) two or more V1 (or Nugget), devices must have the same clock to garanty playback synch. The first device should be in “Internal Sync” synchronisation mode when others devices should be in “Synch In” synchronisation mode.

To do ina V1 machine, go into the Main menu, item “Sync from” (N�2) and select appropiate synchronisation mode (i.e “Internal Synch for the first device, ”Synch In" for others).

Device wiring

When the device is used with a serial connection, the following wiring diagram could be used:

MxM Installation

No special installation required.

Device Setup

Device Creation Window:

When Serial Port Connection is used:

COM Port: Com port number used to communicate with the device.

When Network Connection is used:

IP Address: IP Address used to communicate with the device.

Channel: Channel of the player/recorder inside the device. This is used when the V1 has 2 or more channels (player/recorder).

Start Time Code: Timecode value of the first available image on the Device. This value is used for positrack purpose.

Fields per Frame: Indicate the number of fields use per frame. This value must be set in accordance with the menu settings of the V1. In case of this menu is not available (for instance new firmware version 4.x), LCD display indicates F1/F2 when playback if two fields per frame mode is used.

Device Commands


Stop the device currently in play mode or record mode.


Start playing video.

Usage: This command start playing from the current position to the end of video contents. When clips are pending in the PendingClipList then the playback continue until the last clip is played.


Start recording video.

Usage: The device must be configured to accept this command.

In some cases the record capability of the device is disabled to increase best response time in play mode.

Step Forward

Set the device position to the next frame (image) refering to the current position. If the device is playing, it will cause playing stop.

Step Reverse

Set the device position to the previous frame (image) refering to the current position. If the device is playing, it will cause playing stop.

Fast Forward

Perform a fast forward play on the device at the maximum speed.

Fast Reverse

Perform a fast reverse play on the device at the maximum speed.


Set the device time position to the specified position.

Variable Speed

Cause the device to play in variable speed, forward or reverse.

For example a value of 50% start playing in forward direction at 1/2 normal speed, a value of 200% start playing In forward direction at 2x normal speed and a value of –200% start playing in reverse direction at 2x normal speed.

Set Edit Mode

Selection the edit mode of the device.


Enter or leave edit mode.

Set TC Generator

Select the start timecode value for the internal timecode generator.

Set Start Timecode

Change the timecode of the first availabe frame (image) on the device.

Create Clip

Create or modify a Clip in the V1 (if the clip already exists, it is loaded for record).

Usage: If the clip name does not exist then it is created else the clip parameter (In Time and Out Time) are changed.

Note: In a single file machine, if a timecode offset has been defined (i.e. using OPTION+IN Keys), current timecode position must be at least after the timecode offset value to allows clip creation. In a multi file machine each file is considered as virtual 24h video tape, so before In Time and after Out Time video is black.

Delete Clip

Delete a Clip from the V1.

Usage: In a single file machine, deleting a clip does NOT mean that the video contents will be erased. Only the clip references (In Time, Out Time and Link attributes) will be erased. In a multi file machine video material will be erased.

Load Clip

Load a Clip.

Usage: In a multi file machine, LoadClip command reset all pending Clips and stop playback.

Link Clip

Created a link between two clips in the V1.

Usage: In a single file machine, linking two clips will cause the playback to swap from the first clip to the second clip seamless (back to back) when the first clip reach the end.

If both Clip IDs are the same then a loop on the given clip is created.

To create a loop between severals clips a link must be down before each clip as well as between the last clip and the first one. Ex Link 1–2 + Link 2–3 + Link 3–1 will create a loop including clips 1, 2 and 3.

In a multi file machine, the ‘To Clip Name’ clip is added to the PendingClipList if the ‘Clip Name’ does not exist in the PendingClipList otherwize it is inserted after the ‘Clip Name’ clip in the PendingClipList.

Get Clip Info

Retrieve attributes from a Clip inthe V1.

If the given clip name does not exist then the contents of those variables is set to 0.

In a multi file machine, this command has no effect.

Get Clip List

Retrieve the list of clip already defined in the machine.

Usage: In a single file machine, this command has no effect.

In a multi file machine, this starts the retreiving process.

When the process is finished the ClipList variable is filled with the list of clips (the ClipCount variable contains the number of clips in the list).

Load Next Clip

Load the next clip to be played.

Usage: In a single file machine, this command has no effect.

In a multi file machine, this add a new clip in the PendingClipList. When a play is ussued, the current clip is played then the clips into the PendingClipList are played.

Skip Current Clip

Skip the current played clip.

Usage: In a single file machine, this command has no effect.

In a multi file machine, this command force the current played clip to reach its Timecode out position. If a clip is pending in the Pending Clip List then the next clip starts playing.

Device Variables


[Time] Current time position of the device.


[Enum] Current status of the device.


[Enum] Last occured error.


[Time] Timecode of the first availabe frame (image) on the device.

Note: In a multi file machine, this variable is not used.


[Time] Free record space on disk in time (available time for record).

Note: In a multi file machine, this variable is not used.


[Integer] Indicate if the device is single file (0) or multi file (1).

Note: This variable was used in previous version of the MXM to indicate the current mounted disk Id, but this information is no longer used in the V1 nor Nugget. The variable name & type has been kept for backward compatibility.


[Time] In a single file machine, this variable indicates the timecode In of the clip which Name is in variable the “CurrentClip”.

In a multi file machine, this variable indicates the timecode In of the clip which Name is in variable the “CurrentClipName”.


[Time] In a single file machine, this variable indicates the timecode Out of the clip which Name is in variable the “CurrentClip”.

In a multi file machine, this variable indicates the timecode Out of the clip which Name is in variable the “CurrentClipName”.


[Integer] Numeric name of current clip. This value is updated after each clip management command. These value does NOT reflect the current clip name in playback (if any).

In a multi file machine, this variable is not used.


[Integer] Numeric name of the clip backward linked with the clip ID in “CurrentClip” variable. This value is updated after each clip management command.

In a multi file machine, this variable is not used.


[Integer] Numeric name of the clip forward linked with the clip ID in “CurrentClip” variable. This value is updated after each clip management command. After a LinkClip command these value should reflect the parameter - “To Clip ID” of this command.

In a multi file machine, this variable is not used.


[String] Name of the current loaded clip.

This value is updated after each clip management command.

After a LoadClip command these value reflect the parameter “Clip Name” of this command.

When PendingClipList is not empty, this variable is automatically updated during playback to reflect the current played file.

In a single file machine, this variable is not used.


[String] Contains the list of available clips on the device after a Get Clip List command has been issued.

In a single file machine, this variable is not used.


[Integer] Indicates the number of clip names in the ClipList variable.

In a single file machine, this variable is not used.


[String] Contains the list of pending clips for playback. This variable is updated both when Load Next Clip/Link Clip commands are used or when a pending clip is swicthed to current played clip (CurrentClipName variable).

In a single file machine, this variable is not used.


[Integer] Indicates the number of clip names in the PendingClipList variable.

In a single file machine, this variable is not used.


V 1.0.1

V 1.0.2

V 1.0.3

V 6.0.0

V 6.0.1

V 6.0.2

V 6.1.0

V 6.1.1

V 6.1.2

V 6.1.3

V 6.2.0

V 6.7.0