Name: | Medialon Playlist |
Version: | 6.7.2 |
Available for: | Manager V7 and Manager V6 (Lite & Pro), Showmaster (Mini) |
Limitation In: | |
Device Brand: | Medialon |
Positrack Compatible: | No |
Resources type: | None |
PlayList MxM provides a media management play list engine and its user interface. It provides the editing of the cues (Insert, read, delete…) and the management of a list of cues (Play, stop,pause…).
The playlists are saved in a separate files, independently from the Manager project file.
A playlist can be shared by different devices.
The playlist can be edited while it is playing.
This mxm is in charge to manage the characteristics of the media sources . The media source status (iddle, cueing, playing) is taken into account, considering its other programmable properties: back to back option and delay, and cueing pre-roll.
The parameters managed by the playlist can be set at the creation of the device. Eight default parameters are provided, but other parameters can be added, and each parameters can be hidden or displayed in the playlist grid.
The eight default parameters are:
Any other parameters can be added, like matrix switchers, show-control events, programmed actions…
The eight default parameters are those which are taken into consideration by the engine of the playlist. The other parameters added are information that can be read when events occur.
When the playlist is playing, two types of event occur:
At this time, and after reading the parameters programmed in the cue with the commands provided, the action must be passed to the other mxm in charge of the media management (For example, a video server mxm…)
The event flag CueToPrepare is set to 1 when there is a cue to prepare. The command “Read cue to prepare” must then be called for reading the specified cue.
After the preparation is done, the command “Set cue prepared” must be called. During this period, the status of the cue is displayed as “cueing”.
The event flag CueToPlay is set to 1 when there is a cue to play. The command “Read cue to play” must then be called for reading the specified cue..
When the command “Read cue to play is called”, the cue is considered to be playing, and the status of the cue is displayed as “playing”.
Then, after the playing is finished, the command “Set cue played” must be called. At this time, the status of the cue is displayed as “played”.
This MxM doesn’t require any specific installation.
The device is created through this setup dialog box:
The parameters can be hidden or displayed in the columns of the playlist grid. This is done in the setup dialog box by moving the parameter name between the visible columns list and the invisible columns list.
New parameters can be added with the ‘New’ button.
Parameters added can be deleted with the ‘Delete’ button (the default parameters cannot be deleted).
This value contains the count of days before a past cue is deleted. The deleted cues are saved into backup text files. If the value is zero, the delete mechanism is disabled.
This value contains the count of seconds for the security of the edition while playing. Only the cues with time above the current time plus this value can be edited and modified.
This is the directory where the backup text files are saved
This is the full path plus generic base name for saving playlists. Files created will use the extension “.playlist” plus a number.
For example, if this name is C:\TEMP\play, each playlist file will be numbered as they are created: play.playlist0, play.playlist1, play.playlist2, etc…
In this path another file is created: it has the “Mediasources4” extension and contains the characteristics of the media sources of the device.
If this mode is external, the command “Set Cue Played” must be called to indicate to the playlist when a cue has finished playing. If this mode is internal, the playlist bases upon the TC IN and the TC OUT of the cue to know when a cue has finished playing.
Put this mode on internal if no specific preparation (like, for example, the loading of a clip) is required before playing.
If on external, a task must be called to perform this preparation and the cammand “Set Cue Prepared” must be called when it is done.
This MxM provides a graphical view (name “Display”) which can be displayed inside a User Screen Contenair object with the “Device Control” Manager command.
Create a new empty playlist and add it to the list of playlists.
Usage: The name of the playlist is the one displayed in the list of playlists. The ID of the playlist is important because it is used in the next “Set visible playlist” command for externaly loading a new playlist into the grid. The name and the ID of the destination are displayed at the top of the grid. (can be blank).
Display the specified playlist.
Delete the current playlist.
Insert a cue at the time specified.
The count of additional parameters is the count of columns added in the setup of device. The type of the additional parameters is String
Usage: As an empty date does not exist in Manager, the year must be set to 1900 if the cue is an every day cue. If the “Day” column is hidden, this parameter is not used.
For absolute insertion of the cue, just enter the “Cue Time”.
In that case, the “Insertion” param is not taken into account.
Note that an automatic calculation of the time is provided. For relative insertion, the time entered in “Cue Time” must be negative. The time of the cue inserted with be calculated depending on the time and duration of the previous/next selected cue.
The Source ID is important because it is taken in account by the engine of the playlist. If a source is playing, the playlist will wait for this source to stop before sending the “CueToPrepare” event (unless ‘abort mode’ specified). During this operation the sources are formally identified by the IDs. The name of the source, instead, is just an information. About the lock mode in the playlist grid, a red key in front of the cue indicates that the cue is locked. The user can change this lock state by clicking on the key.
Read the current cue.
The count of return additional parameters is the count of columns added in the setup of device. The type of the return additional parameters is String
Delete the current selected cue.
Start playing or resume the current playlist.
Stop playing the current playlist.
Pause the current playlist.
Read the current cue to prepare.
The count of return additional parameters is the count of columns added in the setup of device. The type of the return additional parameters is String
Usage: IMPORTANT This command must be called when the “CueToPrepare” event occurs. After the media has been prepared, the command “Set cue prepared” must be called, otherwise the next prepare event will be blocked.
Read the current cue to play.
The count of return additional parameters is the count of columns added in the setup of device. The type of the return additional parameters is String
Usage: IMPORTANT This command must be called when the “CueToPlay” event occurs.
After the media has finished playing, the command “Set cue played” must be called, otherwise the media source specified will not be considered as free to replay.
Rearm the preparing process.
Usage: This command must be called after the “CueToPrepare” event and when the media has finished preparing, otherwise the next prepare event will be blocked.
Say that a cue has finished playing and frees the media source played.
Usage: This command must be called after the “CueToPlay” event and when the media has finished playing, otherwise the media source specified will not be considered as free to replay.
Exports the current playlist into a file.
Import a playlist from a file saved by the “Export Playlist” command.
Usage: This function adds the imported playlist to the device. The parameter “Overwrite Existing” allows to specify the behaviour of the import in case of ID conflict
The param “Return New ID” returns the ID given to the imported playlist.
As notice above, this ID can be different of the imported playlist ID in case of conflict with no “Overwrite Existing” behaviour.
Change the size of the font of the playlist grid.
Change the “Back to Back” mode of the specified source.
Usage: When a source has the ‘back to back’ property, it can prepare a new media while it is playing another media. The delay is the time that the media needs for preparing.
Example: if a cue must play at 01:10, and the source is playing but is back to back compliant, and the back to back delay for the source is 00:10, a “EventToPrepare” event will occur at 01:00 concerning this cue.
Change the type of timecode.
Usage: If the time is internal; the two time parameters are not taken in account.
Change the event mode of the playlist.
If it is time to play or prepare a cue but the media source is busy playing, the playlist waits for the source to stop before setting the event.
If it is time to play or prepare a cue, the playlist sets the event, even if the media source is busy playing.
Copy the selected cues into an internal buffer.
Paste the cues previously copied at the specified time.
Apply a time offset to the selected cues.
Set the loop mode on/off.
Usage: The loop mode can only work with internal timecode.
Retrieve the characteristics of a source.
Search for the cue at this date and time and select it.
Read the cue at the specified index.
The count of return additional parameters is the count of columns added in the setup of device. The type of the return additional parameters is String
Usage: Can be used for scanning playlists for specific cues.
Set the pre-roll time of a source.
Usage: When the pre-roll time of a source is not null, each CueToPlay event concerning this source occurs in advance of this amount of time.
Insert at the specified time in the current palylist a whole playlist from a file saved by the “Export Playlist” command.
Return the index of the cue containing the specified text
Set the display of status of the specified cue to a specified value.
Jump to the first cue selected, change the time of this cue to the time specified, deleting all the cues between the current cue time and the cue selected.
Converts the current playlist to a XML string
Usage: This string can be used for sending the playlist as a sequence to the Medialon Display Player.
[Integer] Index of the current cue.
[Integer] Flag: cue to prepare.
Usage: This flag is set to 1 when there is a cue to prepare. The command “Read cue to prepare” must be called. Then, after the preparation is done, the command “Set cue prepared” must be called. During this period, the status of the cue is displayed as “cueing”.
[Integer] Flag: cue to play.
Usage: This flag is set to 1 when there is a cue to play. The command “Read cue to play” must be called.When the command “Read cue to play” is called, the cue is considered to be playing, and the status of the cue is displayed as “playing”. Then, after the playing is finished, the command “Set cue played” must be called. At this time, the status of the cue is displayed as “played”.
[Integer] Flag: file error.
Usage: This flag is set to 1 when an error occurs during a read or write operation of a file.
[Time] Value of the current timecode (internal or external).
[Enum] Status of the current playlist.
[Integer] Count of cues of the current playlist.
[Integer] Count of playlists managed by this device.
[List] of strings.
List of the playlist names of this device.
[Enum] Loop status mode.
[Enum] Abort status mode.
[Enum] Timecode mode
[String] Name of the current playlist.
[String] ID of the current playlist.
[String] PlayList message.
[List] of strings.
List of the playlists IDs.
[String] Index list of the current selected cues in the current playlist.