Timeline Assets

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Timeline Assets


Ingested assets can be dragged straight out of the Asset Management panel onto the central area to create new layers or populate existing layers.

Assets that are inherent resources, such as NDI, ST 2100 and other captures, or Text overlays, may be pulled from the Project panel, or the timeline toolbar.

Assets on layers are selectable (Ctrl+left mouse to multi-select) and offer a right-click context menu:

Copy (Ctrl+C): copy a selected asset or assets. Select multiple assets by dragging a marquee over them or by Ctrl+select.

Paste (Ctrl+V): place copied asset(s) to start at the current playhead position on a selected layer if available (empty and the same media type), or on a new layer if not.

Paste at Time (Ctrl+Shift+V): paste copied asset(s) at a specified time on a selected layer if available (empty and the same media type), or at the specified time on a new layer, if not or if required:

Click for a larger image

Add Selection to Group / Remove Selections from Group: actions applied to one selected asset in a group will be applied to all.

Manipulating Assets

Assets can be dragged within the timeline, along and between layers of the same media type. They will snap to each other, and for each the properties can be edited in the Properties panel. Here, property terms are shown in blue.

icon-timeline-cutCut: Select the asset(s). Position the playhead where you want to cut, and click the scissors icon. A cut section is actually a trimmed instance of the same asset in the same layer. Cut sections can be moved away, dragged to another layer, or removed.

Click for a larger image

The position of an asset on the timeline is determined by its start time. If the start time is not the very beginning of the asset, then the asset has a start time offset achieved by trimming the leading edge.

Trim: The start or end point within an asset’s duration can be adjusted by trimming (cropping). When the mouse moves towards either end of an asset, a bright green marker is shown that can be grabbed and moved in, so that the asset does not play from the beginning, or stops before the end. Dragging the ends out again will restore up to the original duration. This works the same for any cut asset part. Trimming can also be done by entering the required Start Time Offset property value for the asset, or by JSON external control.

Changing the value of the duration property for an asset is equivalent to trimming from the end.

Relative alignment: right click an asset or assets to align to the playhead, markers or first/last assets.

Loop (Repeat)

To extend beyond the duration of an audio/video asset, it can be looped to start playing again on repeat along the timeline. This is a property toggle, also available in the right-click context menu.

Note that editing the duration or offset of the looped segment will make the same change for every repeat of it.

Asset Properties

Asset properties will vary by type of asset.

Properties in common include:

Path (Source)
For captures, e.g. NDI name, ST 2110 path.

Start Time
Start position of an asset on a timeline.

Original Duration
Duration of the ingested untrimmed asset.

Duration of play after accounting for forward and backward trimming and looping.
When entered for an unlooped asset, this will trim from the end. When entered for a trimmed and looped asset, it will repeat the trimmed duration to this value.

In Point
For a forwards-trimmed asset, the trimmed start frame/time of the asset.

Enables the asset to be repeated by extending it along the timeline.

Hidden / Mute
Disables/enables the asset.

Video Assets:

Position, X, Y, Z
Relative position for the asset within the timeline input resolution of the timeline, from 0 (origin) to 1.
Example: X = 0.5 will place the left edge of a visual asset halfway across the input.
Note that this means positions outside the bounds of the input are allowed.

Size, X, Y
Relative size for the asset within the timeline input resolution.
Example: values of 0 will fit the timeline resolution, 0.5 scales to 50%.
Note that scaling to greater than the input size will crop the asset.

Frame Rate Fraction
Enter the framerate per second (e.g. 60 in the first field and 1 in the second), or using the second field, as a fraction (e.g. 60000 and 1001 for 59.94 fps)

Sets the opacity of the entire timeline. Note that opacity can be dynamically changed using Keyframes or external controls.

Check this, if the media frames are UV packed.

Enable Chroma Keying
Chroma keying separates foreground objects from a keyed screen background (typically green). For most opaque objects this is determined by which side of a threshold value their colour sits on – if more green than the threshold, then they’re considered background, else foreground.

Toggles on/off to set a threshold colour, defined in the RGB values properties (below), and within a defined tolerance (per the individual R, G, B ratios, below), to be transparent to layers below.

Enable Luma Keying
Toggle on/off. Chroma and Luma are not normally used together. Sets which monochrome Luma (luminance) value will become transparent to layers below. It is most usable on greyscale images. Tolerance is around the monochrome value.
(If used on a colour image, RGB image values are in fact converted to YCbCr and so the Y value becomes the key.)

Red /Green / Blue Value
Each is a 12-bit expression. Range 0-4096.

Red /Green / Blue Ratio
Fine saturation (colour to white) adjustment, to improve precise keying. Suggested starting values are 0.15, with further adjustment from there.

Luma Value
12-bit expression. Range 0-4096.

Despill Value
Specific to green screen, addresses foreground translucence and reflection when chroma keying a background out, by remixing the R and B channels.
0 = no despill, 1 = full despill.

Despill Luma Add
Despill can darken other colours, so luma can be boosted to compensate.
0 = no effect, 1 = fully brighten affected pixels.

Audio Assets:

See also Audio Playback.

Audio DSP Connection
Identifies any digital signal processor being used.

Channel Offset
Offset this track in time

Map Mono to All
Send a mono audio track to all audio channels.

Mute this audio asset.

Change the pitch of all audio on the timeline.

Audio level for this audio asset. Note that volume can be dynamically changed using Keyframes or external controls.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 12/06/2024