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icon-timeline-markerPosition the cursor where you want a marker and click this icon to add it across all layers. Alternatively, right-click on the required timeline position and select ‘Add Time Marker’. Markers are named, can be dragged on the timeline, positioned via their time property, removed, and deleted. A marker can be given an active property of Go To (send the playhead to a time position) or just to stop the playhead. If it has type ‘none’, it can be used as a named position on the timeline for other purposes.

Edit the type by selecting the marker in the project panel:


Shortcut keys

Ctrl+M to add a marker at the playhead position. If the playhead is moving, the marker will be dropped in position and play continues.

Ctrl+Shift+M to add a marker via a dialog for a specified time position. If the playhead is moving, it will stop, allowing the marker time to be entered. Play is not automatically resumed.

Ctrl+arrow keys to step quickly between markers.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 15/12/2023