ArtNet Recording

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ArtNet Recording

This feature enables ArtNet inputs to be recorded and rerun in simulation scenarios. This may be useful in optimising inputs, or to allow inputs to be simulated as shows are developed.

first DMX channel to record

last DMX channel to record (recording includes all channels between Start and End)

Universe being recorded

ArtNet Universe being recorded

Save as
the number of bytes which make up a data point to be recorded

Input Network
The IP from which the recording is being listened to

Input Subnet
The IP subnet being listened from

Number of frames to record
This is the number of ArtNet frames to record (not movie frames).

ArtNet Input Enabled
This is essentially the same checkbox that can be found in Config > Preferences > ArtNet & DMX to enable ArtNet input.

ArtNet Input Enabled
This checkbox is a shortcut to the same setting in Configure > Preferences > ArtNet.

Set Save file
Set the file to record to. When this is set, and Input is enabled, the Record button becomes available.

Set Playback File
The file to be read from, in order to playback ArtNet. Once this is set and ArtNet input is disabled, the PlayBack button becomes available.

External Controls

Use the External Control (listed under ‘Recording Commands’): ARTNET_RECORD.

With this control you can set any of the ArtNet recording parameters. Use Recording Mode to change whether you're recording, playingback or neither. Note, you will need to ensure you are in the correct ArtNet input/output mode, See ARTNET external control (listed under ‘Media Commands’).

artnet_record StartChan=1 EndChan=13 Universe=3 Subnet=2 ByteRange=2 InputIP= InputIPSubnet= NumberFramesToRecord=80 SaveFile=C:\Movies\Record\art_test.txt PlayBackFile=C:\Movies\Record\artnetrec.txt RecordingMode=Idle LoopPlayback=true

Note: Save and PlayBack files are .txt files.