Live Captions

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Live Captions

It can be useful in a venue to broadcast audio announcements as captions. To do this, a UDP event can be added to the Delta timeline with a command containing the caption as a text string, with a duration for display and subsequent action. This will send the live caption to all devices. Example:

Click for a larger image

Suggestion: Use the Designer feature in the Stack web interface for standard messages. There you can create a web page with buttons that use sequences to add predefined live captions in serial events, to the timeline.


All command strings are parsed with semicolons and terminated with \x0D, and are not case-sensitive.

This is a live caption.

Define the live caption mode of interruption and the text to display.

Define how long the live caption will display in seconds.

Defines how the live caption reverts to the SRT.

Modes of Operation

Displays the live caption for the set time given, then returns to showing no caption, not returning to the current SRT.
Example command: Live;Caption=ESTOP 1: Caption text to display;Time=3;\x0D

Displays the live caption, which persists until another action such as a scene/subscene selection. It never returns to the main SRT.
Example command: Live;Caption=ESTOP 2: Caption text to display;\x0D

Pauses the main SRT playback, displays the live caption for the set duration, then returns to the original SRT sequence. So that it doesn’t jump too briefly into the current caption, it skips and waits to display the next in the right place.
Example command: Live;Caption=RETURNSMOOTH: Caption text to display;Time=5;Return=Smooth;\x0D

Pauses the main SRT playback, displays the live caption for the set duration, then return to the original SRT to display the current caption,however briefly.
Example command: Live;Caption=RETURNHARD: Caption text to display;Time=5;Return=Hard;\x0D

Page edited [d/m/y]: 08/09/2021