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From StackCaptioningClient Version 1.0 19 – Attractions running in parallel
If named scenes are specified, Serial Events will only affect devices connected in those named Scenes. This allows one Trigger app to manage groups of devices operating in parallel attractions.
Example: Simultaneous tours running parallel Attractions will not be synchronous, but providing the parallel Attractions are each given uniquely-named Scenes (this can be as simple as: ‘Scene 1-Tour A’ and ‘Scene 1-Tour B’; ‘Scene 2-Tour A’ and ‘Scene 2-Tour B’ and so on) then only devices in those named Scenes will be triggered. It is the uniqueness of the Scene names that filters which group of devices respond to a trigger.
Basic commands (no additional parameters)
All command strings are terminated with \x0D and are not case-sensitive.
Go to a referenced Scene or Subscene
Stop playing
Go to the beginning of the current Scene or Subscene and stop
Go to the beginning of the next Scene. If used on the last Scene, this will just reload it.
Go to the beginning of the previous Scene. If used on the first Scene, this will just reload it.
Sequential commands: When combining these UDP Serial Events, for example, (1) go to a Scene and (2) play the caption file, place these on consecutive frames on the Delta show timeline.
Optional Parameters
TargetScene=Scene name
TargetSubscene=Subscene name
Target parameters apply the command only to client devices in the named Scene and Subscene. To specify a Subscene, the Scene must also be specified.
Examples with optional parameters (StackCaptioningClient Version 1.0 17)
Select;Scene=Scene name;Subscene=Subscene name;\x0D
Select loads the captions for the named Scene and Subscene. Use the names you have applied.
Select;TargetScene=Scene name A;TargetSubscene=Subscene name A;Scene=Scene name B;Subscene=Subscene name B;\x0D
Addresses only devices in the target Scene and Subscene.
Adding the TargetScene and TargetSubscene parameters load the captions for the named Scene and Subscene.
Connected devices in other Scenes or Subscenes will ignore the command to select different captions.
Start;TargetScene=Scene name;TargetSubscene=Subscene name;\x0D
Start will play your current Scene caption file.
Optional: By adding the TargetScene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Scene name] will start.
By also adding the TargetSubcene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Subscene name] will start.
Connected devices in other Scenes or Subscenes will ignore the command to start.
Stop;TargetScene=Scene name;\x0D
Stop will stop your current captions playing.
Optional: By adding the TargetScene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Scene name] will stop.
By also adding the TargetSubcene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Subscene name] will stop.
Connected devices in other Scenes or Subscenes will ignore the command to stop.
Reload;TargetScene=Scene name;TargetSubscene=Subscene name;\x0D
Reload will go back to the beginning of your current playing Scene or Subscene caption file. Follow this with a Start event to make it play again.
Optional: By adding the TargetScene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Scene name] will reload.
By also adding the TargetSubcene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Subscene name] will reload.
Connected devices in other Scenes or Subscenes will ignore the command to reload.
Next;TargetScene=Scene name;TargetSubscene=Subscene name;Play=True;\x0D
Next will go to the caption file for the start of the next Scene (not Subscene).
Optional: By adding the TargetScene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Scene name] will go to the next Scene.
By also adding the TargetSubcene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Subscene name] will go to the next Subscene in the Scene.
If used on the last Scene or Subscene, this will just reload it.
Connected devices in other Scenes or Subscenes will ignore the command.
If the scene Trigger IP Address is specified rather than ‘Automatic’: use the Play parameter to set the scene to start playing automatically (True) or not (False) once advanced to the next scene. The default (unspecified) condition is ‘False’. If the scene Trigger IP Address is ‘Automatic’ the scene will always play.
Previous;TargetScene=Scene name;TargetSubscene=Subscene name;Play=True;\x0D
Previous will go to the caption file for the start of the previous Scene (not Subscene).
Optional: By adding the TargetScene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Scene name] will return to the previous Scene in sequence.
By also adding the TargetSubcene parameter, only client devices that are currently in [Subscene name] will go to the previous Subscene in the Scene.
If used on the first Scene or Subscene, this will just reload it.
Connected devices in other Scenes will ignore the command.
If the scene Trigger IP Address is specified rather than ‘Automatic’: use the Play parameter to sets the scene to start playing automatically (True) or not (False) once returned to the previous scene. The default (unspecified) condition is ‘False’. If the scene Trigger IP Address is ‘Automatic’ the scene will always play.
Page edited [d/m/y]: 08/09/2021