Configure DeltaShowControlInterface

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Configure DeltaShowControlInterface

Open the DeltaShowControlInterface software. This will link its control logic with DeltaServer.


In the ‘My IP address’ box, type in the IP address of the Delta server (or other PC) on which you are currently using the DeltaShowControlInterface.

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Click the ‘Set’ button on the right. You should now see the checkbox ticked to show you are connected to the Delta port to receive the ADAM-6060 commands.


In the Delta ‘IP Address’ box, type in the IP address of the Delta Server playing the show (this can be the same as above), and press the ‘Set’ button on the right. If DeltaServer is currently running, you should now see the ‘Connected’ checkbox ticked.

Type the file names of your Delta shows into the ‘Shows’ box. Up to 8 can be added. The names Shows1-6 are used here just for example.

Press the Set button to save the newly-typed show names.

Press the hide button to minimise it to the system tray.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 26/02/2021