Workflow: Physical Connections

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Workflow: Physical Connections

Configure the Physical Connections

1.Unbox Jugglers and perform an all-round physical check for any signs of transit damage.

2.Rack the Jugglers so that the units are fully supported at the back and bolted securely at the front.

3.Connect power, press the front panel power button, and confirm that each unit comes to life.

4.The front panel will go through an initialising routine and settle to show an IP address for the unit and the Juggler logo.

5.Reassign IP addresses for each Juggler as required.

6.Switch off all units.

7.Connect any data bus or buses between Jugglers that will combine to form a system.

8.Connect all input devices available at this stage, and required output devices.

9.Switch on or boot all the components of your system. You may find it best to establish your own preferred order, for example projectors first, working back through devices that take most time to boot up.

To configure the internal system connections in Compere, see the appropriate Compere User Guide:

Connecting Juggler Systems in Compere

This guide also shows how to establish Project Groups, assemble display outputs, and configure Juggler 1 I/O connectors.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 09/10/2024