Front Panel Controls and Display

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Front Panel Controls and Display

The front panel display is a touch-screen controller for the Juggler. It is used for configuration, monitoring and play control. Touch and swipe navigation provides selection menus, and NDI media display in user-selectable layouts. The panel can itself be tested and calibrated.

home-iconLanding Page

When powered up, the home/landing page on the touch-screen display identifies the Juggler unit, its name, role, Project Group, and IP address.

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Touch-the display menu to access NIC settings, system information and timeline controls, details, and preview settings.


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Settings > Network configuration

This shows all IP addresses and allows Auto (DHCP) and manual NIC configuration:

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The NIC naming follows the ‘friendly names’ given in the software.

For manual edit of a selected NIC, select manual and click on the required field:

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Edit the required octet(s) and save.

Settings > Test

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The Test button has two functions, to cycle all outputs once through solid red, blue, green, and to calibrate the touch function.

The touch calibration simply requires a touch to be traced across the range of the display panel:

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If insufficient data is collected you will be prompted to try again, otherwise a success message will briefly be displayed.

Settings > Performer Install

This is a service function for the configuration of the Compere software.

Settings > Preview Settings

Layout: The display can show up to four available NDI feeds. Choose between 1, 2 and 4 feeds, laid out as shown:

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Arrange Feeds: Allocate which feeds to assign to each part of the display.

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Naming follows that given in the Compere project.


Select the Preview button to see NDI feeds available in the Juggler arranged as in Settings > Preview Settings.

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Here you access server information, version and licence details.

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Page edited [d/m/y]: 19/01/2024