Basic (Depth, Alpha, No Stencil) Mode

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Basic (Depth, Alpha, No Stencil) Mode

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In this mode, the real-time engine must use the 3D scene model when rendering. The alpha channel output takes depth into consideration to pre-cull real-time pixels where playback pixels are in front.

Chroma Key options are available if simple compositing is all that is required, to avoid the need for an alpha channel.

This could, as in full mode, composite any combination of multiple gaming inputs only, and/or with multiple playback resources, though without the full depth and stencil feeds, offers none of the stencil blending effects.

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Playback: a street scene

Image sequence RGB layer

Image sequence depth layer




Real-time asset: an opaque kite

Video feed RGB layer

Video feed depth layer




Output: in the composited scene, the kite flies between tree and houses

Compares depth:
which pixels are in front?






where real-time pixels are in front, culls pixels from playback assets, using alpha channel:

where playback pixels are in front, culls pixels from real-time assets, using alpha channel:

composites playback and real-time assets for output
