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A series of operations will create the required virtual canvas and set of warp-mapped regions to be ingested, manipulated in the Visualise panel and used for Actor timeline playback. The majority of this is a once-only preparation for the display surface being used.
Check in Compere that ‘Enable Visualise Renderer’ is switched on, in Configuration > Settings > Preferences.
MappingGUI app: create and ingest required meshes
1.Create the warp files from a source .obj using the MappingGUI app.
2.Ingest the .wrp7 files using the Asset Logistics app (and tag to distribute as necessary).
Compere: create RegionSets and Regions
3.Import the .obj into the Visualise panel.
4.Open a ‘Warp Mapping’ panel and go to the ‘Region Sets’ tab.
5.Drag the new .wrp7 set (‘VirtualCanvasSet’) from Actor’s Asset Manager into the Warp Mapping panel to create a RegionSet.
6.In the Project Tree, right-click on the new RegionSet to ‘Add Region’(s) to a RegionSet, and name each appropriately.
Compere: Virtual Canvas Presets
7.In the Warp Mapping panel, go to the ‘Virtual Canvas Presets’ tab and click + to select a Region Set and add a preset. A virtual canvas is an area on the total display surface on which its display regions can be manoeuvred. The Preset binds the Region Set to this area.
8.From the Resource panel, drag NDI or ST 2110 Capture resources into the Input Feed panel. Give reasonable offsets to each, to make them more visible, and resize them according to the capture sources.
9.Enter the NDI source name (use NDI studio monitor to help) or local SDP path for ST 2110 sources.
Add Captures to the Actor Timeline
10.Drag the input from the project tree onto the timeline.
11.Right-click the timeline capture asset properties and enter the appropriate regionMappingName (from the project tree) into the Source box. This is the region on which you want the capture resource stream to draw.
12.Click the ‘Edit in Visualise’ button in the WarpMapping panel to see the regions in Visualise:
Use the Regions in Visualise
13.In the Visualise panel, click to select the Region, and adjust its properties or just click/drag the Region in the panel.
Page edited [d/m/y]: 15/04/2024