Frame Replacement

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Frame Replacement

There will be times when corrections are made to subsets of frames in a movie sequence, and these need to replace existing frames on a Compere system. Replacement follows a similar process to the initial ingest, and requires specific instructions to match new frame details with old. Removing and reingesting many thousands of frames and then adding them back into timelines is not a realistic prospect for minor changes.

Frame replacement is a one-to-one, name-for-name action. It cannot introduce or remove frames or alter the duration or sequential naming of frames in any way.

Process overview

1.Un-distribute the frame sequence(s) from local devices, leaving only the ingest vault.

2.Capture the metadata and locations for existing frames in a fresh sidecar.json file to match against replacement frames of the same name. This can include sectional subfolders.

3.Add replacement frames and the sidecar.json to watch folders.

4.Edit or verify the watch folder names in the sidecar.json file.

5.Reingest the replacement frames.

6.Re-tag and distribute as originally configured.

Replacement step-by-step

The Asset Logistics (MediaLogisticsApp.exe) must be running, if it is not already running as a service.

1.Undistribute locally ingested assets subject to replacement by removing their tags. For example, select an asset group that has multiple locations such as ‘NAS’ (streaming) and ‘Local’ and remove the ‘Local’ tag from all at once. The Logistics app will delete locally distributed copies of the sequences.

2.Right-click the asset or asset group (or multi-click selected assets in a group) and select ‘Replace Frames’ to create a new file of metadata of the folders involved. This will raise a message ‘Copied to clipboard’. Open a text editor, paste this in and save it to your watch folder (as in the ingest process) as sidecar.json. Keep the file open to edit.

Observe the structure of the json file. Only image sequence assets are recorded, and even a single asset sequence will have an asset group name, it will just be the same. Note that each set of replacement frames is applied to the original asset UUID; no new sequences are created.

3.Copy the replacement frames into a subfolder of the watch folder containing the sidecar.json (if sectioned replacements, then in respective section-named subfolders, if possible using the original ingest folder names).

4.Edit the sidecar.json to verify or complete the watch asset folder name(s). Do not edit the asset group details. Save and close it.



  "assetGroupUpdate": {

    "assetGroup": {

      "name": "MyBigMovie group",

      "uuid": "1275ded111502269f7a1b6413c966eb2"


    "assetUpdates": [


        "assetUpdate": {

          "asset": {

            "name": "MyBigMovie_ (MBM_x0_y0)",

            "uuid": "0bb88d9c621d34f06486915e53097625"


          "folder": "MBM_section_01",

          "sectionIds": [






        "assetUpdate": {

          "asset": {

            "name": "MyBigMovie_ (MBM_x0_y2160)",

            "uuid": "0bb88d9c621d34f06486915e530998f0"


          "folder": "MBM_section_02",

          "sectionIds": [






        "assetUpdate": {

          "asset": {

            "name": "MyBigMovie_ (MBM_x4096_y0)",

            "uuid": "0bb88d9c621d34f06486915e5309bba1"


          "folder": "MBM_section_03",

          "sectionIds": [






        "assetUpdate": {

          "asset": {

            "name": "MyBigMovie_ (MBM_x4096_y2160)",

            "uuid": "0bb88d9c621d34f06486915e5309d7a2"


          "folder": "MBM_section_04",

          "sectionIds": [








5.In Compere Asset Management, select the vault listed under System, and click Ingest.

6.Add destination tags back into each asset or asset group as a whole.

Checks and Errors

The replacement process will check for errors and reported them to the AssetLogistics log file.

Frame replacement will stop on the first error and any remaining frames for assets will be rejected back to the \RejectedFiles folder in the watch folder.

Frames that have been successfully replaced will have the original frames moved to an \Ejected subfolder of the asset folder in the \RejectedFiles folder within the watch folder.

Constraints checklist

The asset group in the sidecar.json must be valid.

All the assets in the sidecar.json must be valid.

All the assets in the sidecar.json must belong to the asset group specified.

All the folders in the sidecar.json must be present in the frame replacement folder (no more, no less).

The names of the asset sections in the sidecar.json must match the names of the actual asset sections.

Each replacement frame must match an existing frame of the same filename in the asset (it is not possible to insert missing frames or extend the length of the sequence).

Each asset must be present on the ingest machine.

Each asset must not be present on any other machine (i.e. if distributed, modify the tags such that the asset location count is 1, and only on the ingest machine).

Each asset’s first frame must be the same size and frame format as the first replacement frame for that asset.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 19/01/2024