Carved Media Management

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Carved Media Management

Very large canvases typically use carved media, so that the bandwidth per media server is optimised. In Actor, carved media needs to be ingested with carve metadata, so that each set of carved frames retains identity and location (position) within the original media resolution.

A series of folders for the carves will typically have a common root name, as will the frames they contain, but prior to ingest, each carve folder also requires a sidecar.json file containing destination tags and positional properties.



   "carveOriginX": "8192",

   "carveOriginY": "2160"


 "tags": [




This will ensure that Asset Management can identify the respective carves, and the positional (origin) properties mean they will be arranged correctly on a timeline input. Frame size is gathered on ingest from the native frame metadata.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 07/11/2023