Presets and Clones

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Presets and Clones

All Compere project information is held in blocks of xml. This means that you can save, recall and distribute a complete show setup with all its players and all their parts. It also means that you can save just the parts, which might mean the way you set up a canvas populated with just outputs, or just a set of windows with their sizes and positions, or a group of Jugglers configured in a particular way, and so on.

Elements in presets and clones are selected copied from the Project panel, not from what is placed and visible in the assembly panels.

Presets: file type .pre

If you want to use these same things in the same project, you can use these xml blocks to recall the values, which can be particularly useful in switching between various preset window layouts (Create and Recall Canvas Arrangements).

Presets capture arrangements and settings for components in a specific Project. When recalled to the same Project, nothing is added to the Project, but dimensions and locations etc. of existing project components will be set again to those of the saved Preset.

Presets cannot be used in ‘foreign’ projects.

Applying presets to a selection

Example use: to save repetitious work in configuring many Jugglers, this option allows the core configuration properties of one Juggler of a kind to be saved and recalled into many selected Jugglers of the same type in the Nodes panel, not just to Jugglers of matched UUIDs. Non-transferrable properties such as Name are not copied over.

Clones: file type .clo

If instead you want to create standardised components, for example a display wall of a number of UHD panels, with or without windows, these can be saved as clones. They are no longer a member of any project, but can be loaded as new elements into a different project, from where they can be added into assembly panels and incorporated and repurposed as necessary.

Unlike presets, clones are saved without their project UUIDs. This is why they are ‘loaded’ (new), not ‘recalled’ (remembered).


Save As: Selection

This option in both types will save out just those items selected in the Project panel. If the selected items require a parent element (e.g. a Window or Output) a default parent will be inserted into the clone file. Child elements cannot be transferred to a different canvas when reloaded. When using canvas clones, it is best to ‘save as canvas’.

The exception would be that if you already have more than one canvas, you may want a clone of just one of them.

Save As: Canvasses

This option will save out every canvas parent and every child output and window. No selection is needed.


Whilst the save options will direct you to the preset and clone default locations in the Compere root location (set in Preferences), export will direct you to local locations on the PC using the Compere UI at the time.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 26/09/2022