About StackExpress

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About StackExpress

Designed for flat-plane displays, simple playlist sequences can be configured and run on a Delta Media Server via the Stack web interface. StackExpress is an add-in to the Stack core modules, and can be run on the same server as the DeltaServer software as ‘localhost’, or from a remote PC to port 3000 of the server’s IP address. StackExpress shows can be built and saved, replayed, or used simply in real-time.

Minimum Requirements

Delta Media Server running DeltaServer software version 2.7

Stack software

Delta Web Service 2.4.16

Delta Web Platform 2.1.3

DeltaPreview 1.0.0

StackExpress 2.0.2 software

Web browser (Chrome is pre-installed on Delta servers, and is preferred).

Note that StackExpress 2.0.1 is used with Delta 2.6, and Stack Express 1.0 is used with Delta 2.5.

Browser Support

The Delta Web Service aims to provide a modern and powerful web-based interface to the Delta Media Server, using a selection of web technologies to allow advanced user interfaces and real-time feedback. Some of these are not implemented in older web browsers. Whilst Delta Web Service may run without major issues in older browser versions, we do not actively test these versions and do not fix bugs or support issues that appear in them. If in doubt, use an up to date browser and version for the most reliable performance.

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Page edited [d/m/y]: 22/06/2022