RS422 Commands

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RS422 Commands

When Delta is set to operate RS422 in Legacy Emulation mode, the following Legacy-specific commands are processed against any incoming RS422 command from the controller. If the received command is not in the list below, then processing continues against the ‘standard’ list of RS422 commands as shown.

Legacy Specific Commands




Stops playback. Displays the frame at the stopped location.


Stops playback. Displays the frame at the stopped location.


Begins playback from the current position.

Step Forward

Steps forward 1 frame.


Clear all 422 added media.

This action actually removes all media and controls from the timeline that are tagged as ‘autodelete’.

Auto Mode

* It is not clear from the limited documentation how this should be used.

Control whether media should autoplay.

When this mode is on, the system uses Preview In/Out Preset media.

Loop Mode

When enabled, the system will loop the clip forever.

When disabled, the clip will play to the end of the file.

In Preset

Specifies the InPoint and ClipID for the next clip.

InPoint is the SMPTE frame reference for an offset from the start of the clip.

ClipID is the ASCII name for the clip (<= 8 CHARS in length).

This command will cause the movie with the same name to be dynamically inserted as the next clip to play.

e.g. Setting the InPoint to be 00:01:02:03 will cause the clip to start playing 1 minute, 2 seconds and 3 frames into the clip. If Loop Mode is on, then the clip will loop back to the InPoint and continue playing.

Out Preset

Specifies the OutPoint for the currently selected ClipID.

InPoint is the SMPTE frame reference to set an offset to the start of the clip.

e.g. Setting the OutPoint to be 00:02:03:04 will cause the clip to stop playing (or loop, depending on the Loop Mode) at 2 minutes, 3 seconds and 4 frames into the clip.

Preview In Preset

* It is not clear from the documentation how this should be used.

Specifies the InPoint and ClipID for the next clip ONLY when Auto Mode is ON.

InPoint is the SMPTE frame reference for an offset from the start of the clip.

ClipID is the ASCII name for the clip (<= 8 CHARS in length).

This command MUST have a complementary PreviewOutPreset command to action it.

Preview Out Preset

* It is not clear from the documentation how this should be used.

NOTE – AutoMode MUST be on for this to action.

Specifies the OutPoint for the currently selected PreviewPreset ClipID.

e.g. Setting the OutPoint to be 00:02:03:04 will cause the clip to stop playing (or loop, depending on the Loop Mode) at 2 minutes, 3 seconds and 4 frames into the clip.

Cue Up With Data

Jump to a specific location on the Timeline.

NOTE – If only 1 clip has been defined then this will cue to the given SMPTE time within that clip.

Standard Commands



Current Time

Request the current playhead time.

The current time is sent back to the controller.

Status Sense

Request the StatusSense bits.

The status bits supported by Delta are:











Device Type

Request the device type.

The reply from Delta is device type ‘Sony BVW 75’.


Stops playback. Displays the frame at the stopped location.


Begins playback from the current position.

Fast Forward

Fast forward with a speed of 32.

Fast Reverse

Fast rewind with a speed of 32.

Frame Step Forward

Move on 1 frame.

Frame Step Reverse

Move back 1 frame.

Shuttle Forward

Shuttle forwards with a given speed.

Shuttle Reverse

Shuttle backwards with a given speed.

Cue Up With Data

Jump to a specific location on the Timeline.