MEDIAMOVE controlname x [y] [w] [h] [r] [fullscreen / flat / channel] |
Move this media in 2D |
MEDIAMOVE controlname Az [El] [w] [h] [r] [fullscreen / flat / channel / fisheye /
Move this media in 3D |
MEDIAMOVE [controlname / ctrlname=name] [x=0] [y=0] [w=0] [h=0] [r=0] [modX=n] [modY=n] [modW=n] [modH=n] [modR=n] [mode = fullscreen / flat
/ channel] [channel=[1-32]] [feather=percent] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ]
Move this media in 2D (all parameters are optional).The Mod* tags will apply incremental or decremental values to the corresponding value. Note that mode=flat takes the media out of fullscreen |
MEDIAMOVE [controlname / ctrlname=name] [az=0] [el=0] [w=0] [h=0] [r=0] [modAz=n] [modEl=n] [modW=n] [modH=n] [modR=n] [mode = fullscreen / flat
/ channel] [channel=[1-32]] [feather=percent] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ]
Move this media in 3D (all parameters are optional). The Mod* tags will apply incremental or decremental values to the corresponding value. Note that mode=flat takes the media out of fullscreen |
MEDIALAYER extctrlname layer |
Move this media to a new layer |
MEDIAENABLE extctrlname [y / n] |
Enable or disable this media |
! |
MEDIACOLOR extctrlname R G B [O] [A] [reset] |
Set the visual media's red, green, blue, overall gain and alpha as a percentage or
reset to defaults
MEDIAINSERT [image/movie] resourcename [frame / +frame / -frame] [layer /
background] [x y] [w h] [autodelete] [autoplay] [ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [feather=percent]
[crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ] [channel=ChannelNumber] [mapping=channel/flat/fisheye/panoramic] [fullscreen] [eyepointmask=mask][eye=stereomode]
Add an image or movie to the timeline, optionally set other parameters
Note: Fisheye and Panoramic mapping will only take effect in Dome Mode.
Note: eyepointmask is a numeric value representing a bit mask and will only take effect in mesh mode.
Stereomodes: Both
Set existing timeline resource's properties. This behaves as per MEDIAINSERT however type is ignored, resourcename or ctrlname is used to determine the resource to edit.
MEDIAINSERT type=movie
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [x=X] [y=Y] [w=W] [h=H] [autodelete] [autoplay]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [feather=percent] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ]
[channel=ChannelNumber] [mapping=channel/flat/fisheye/panoramic] [fullscreen] [audiochans=XX] [lumamode=luminance/red/green/blue/alpha] [lumainvert=true/false] [preferpreset=true/false] [inpoint=frame] [outpoint=frame] [speedratio=float] [eyepointmask=mask][eye=stereomode] [holdlastframe]
--- When inserting into playlist ---
[parent=external control name of parent container] [containeroverrides=general / features / location / animation / keying / colour / mesh]
[autoplay] [duration=X] [fadeup=X] [fadedn=X] [crossfade=true/false] [itemenabled=true/false] [playmode=playntimes/trigger]
[startfromlastitem=true] [noloop=true/false] [speedratio=float] [interpolateframes=true/false] [matchaudio=true/false]
MOVIE : Add a movie resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters.
mediainsert type=movie resourcename="waterplanet_" layer=1 x=10 y=10 w=1900 h=1060 autoplay
// This inserts the movie on layer 1 at the specified size & location, and set's it to loop continuously
mediainsert type=movie resourcename="XXYYZZ" layer=1 x=10 y=10 w=1900 h=1060 preferpreset=true
// If there is a preset of name XXYYZZ, use this in preference to the actual movie - if the preset is not found, insert the actual movie
mediainsert type=movie resourcename="amazon_720_" layer=1 frame=200 matchaudio=true
// Matchaudio=true will search for any audio files which contain the same resource name as the movie and
add them to the timeline at the same frame as the movie and 4 layers lower. Other parameters such as in and outpoints are also copied from the movie.
Note: Fisheye and Panoramic mapping will only take effect in Dome Mode.
MEDIAINSERT type=image [resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [x=X] [y=Y] [w=W] [h=H] [autodelete]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [feather=percent] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ]
[channel=ChannelNumber] [mapping=channel/flat/fisheye/panoramic] [fullscreen] [lumamode=luminance/red/green/blue/alpha] [lumainvert=true/false] [preferpreset=true/false] [eyepointmask=mask][eye=stereomode]
--- When inserting into playlist ---
[parent=external control name of parent container] [containeroverrides=general / features / location / animation / keying / colour / mesh]
[autoplay] [duration=X] [fadeup=X] [fadedn=X] [crossfade=true/false] [itemenabled=true/false] [playmode=playntimes/trigger]
[startfromlastitem=true] [noloop=true/false]
IMAGE : Add an image resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters
mediainsert type=image resourcename="red square" newname="red" layer=1 fullscreen
Note: Fisheye and Panoramic mapping will only take effect in Dome Mode.
MEDIAINSERT type=audio
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background][autodelete] [autoplay]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [channel=ChannelNumber] [audiochans=XX] [preferpreset=true/false]
--- When inserting into playlist ---
[parent=external control name of parent container] [containeroverrides=general / features / location / animation / keying / colour / mesh]
[autoplay] [duration=X] [fadeup=X] [fadedn=X] [crossfade=true/false] [itemenabled=true/false] [playmode=playntimes/trigger]
[startfromlastitem=true] [noloop=true/false] [speedratio=float]
AUDIO : Add an audio resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters
mediainsert type=audio resourcename="speech Left.wav" layer=2 audiochans=1
mediainsert type=audio resourcename="speech Left and Center.wav" layer=2 audiochans=5
mediainsert type=audio resourcename="All channels.wav" layer=2 audiochans=FF
MEDIAINSERT type=capture
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [x=X] [y=Y] [w=W] [h=H] [autodelete]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [feather=percent] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ]
[channel=ChannelNumber] [mapping=channel/flat] [fullscreen] [lumamode=luminance/red/green/blue/alpha] [lumainvert=true/false]
[forcew=X] [forceh=X] [preferpreset=true/false] [eyepointmask=mask]
--- Web Page only ---
[url=""] [jsevents=true/false] [alpha=true/false]
--- When inserting into playlist ---
[parent=external control name of parent container] [containeroverrides=general / features / location / animation / keying / colour / mesh]
[autoplay] [duration=X] [fadeup=X] [fadedn=X] [crossfade=true/false] [itemenabled=true/false] [playmode=playntimes/trigger]
[startfromlastitem=true] [noloop=true/false]
CAPTURE : Add a video capture resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters
mediainsert type=capture resourcename="facetime hd camera id 400" newname="laptopcamera" layer=4 x=100 y=200 w=300 h=400 feather=10
MEDIAINSERT type=geometry
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [autodelete][ctrlname=myctrlname][channel=ChannelNumber]
GEOMETRY : Add a warp resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters.
mediainsert type=geometry resourcename="flat geometry" newname="twist" layer=4
mediainsert type=geometry resourcename="flat geometry" newname=ch3 channel=3 layer=bg
MEDIAINSERT type=blend
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
BLEND : Add a blend resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters.
mediainsert type=blend resourcename=ch1 channel=1
MEDIAINSERT type=effect
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [autodelete]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount][direction=up/down] [preferpreset=true/false]
EFFECT : Add an effect resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters.
mediainsert type=effect resourcename=transparency frame=100 direction=down layer=3
MEDIAINSERT type=shadereffect
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [autodelete]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [preferpreset=true/false]
SHADEREFFECT : Add a shader effect resource to the timeline.
mediainsert type=shadereffect resourcename=blackHole frame=20 layer=2
MEDIAINSERT type=control
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [autodelete] [ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount]
[gotoframe=XX] [playmode=stop/play] [playingaction=ignore/stop] [markerkey=[ctrl][shift][0-9][F1-F12][off]] [markername=name] [preferpreset=true/false]
CONTROL : Add a control resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters.
mediainsert type=control resourcename=marker frame=100 playmode=play playingaction=stop markerkey=ctrlF1 markername=mymarkername
mediainsert type=control resourcename=goto frame=200 gotoframe=300 playmode=play
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [autodelete] [ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount]
[paragraph="text"][fontsize=N][textcolor= RRR,GGG,BBB / #RRGGBB][textfont="fontname"] [preferpreset=true/false]
--- When inserting into playlist ---
[parent=external control name of parent container] [containeroverrides=general / features / location / animation / keying / colour / mesh]
[autoplay] [duration=X] [fadeup=X] [fadedn=X] [crossfade=true/false] [itemenabled=true/false] [playmode=playntimes/trigger]
[startfromlastitem=true] [noloop=true/false]
TEXT : Add a text resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters.
mediainsert type=text resourcename=mytext frame=100 layer=2 paragraph="this is the text" fontsize=120 x=200 y=300 textfont="times new roman" textcolor=12,66,200
MEDIAINSERT type=container
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [autodelete] [autoplay]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [preferpreset=true/false]
--- When inserting AV assembly into playlist ---
[parent=external control name of parent container] [containeroverrides=general / features / location / animation / keying / colour / mesh]
[autoplay] [duration=X] [fadeup=X] [fadedn=X] [crossfade=true/false] [itemenabled=true/false] [playmode=playntimes/trigger]
[startfromlastitem=true] [noloop=true/false]
CONTAINER : Add a container resource to the timeline, optionally set other
parameters using tag-style command parameters.
mediainsert type=container resourcename="demo playlist" layer=5 frame=100 length=500 containeroverrides=general duration=22s crossfade=true fadeup=1.5s fadedn=3s
MEDIAINSERT type=serialevent
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [autodelete] [autoplay]
[ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount]
[] [port=xxxx] [command=string] [repeatenable=true/false] [repeatcount=xx] [repeatframes=xx] [addframe=true/false] [preferpreset=true/false]
SERIALEVENT : Add a serial event resource to the timeline
| |
MEDIAINSERT type=spline
[resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame]
[layer=newlayer / background] [ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [repeatcount=n] [pingpong=y/n]
[preferpreset=true/false] [setnode="INDEX X1 Y1 X2 Y2 C1X C1Y C2X C2Y"]
SPLINE : Add a spline resource to the timeline
mediainsert type=spline resourcename="arc" layer=5 frame=100 length=500 repeatcount=3 pingpong=y setnode="0 100 200 300 400 111 222 333 444"
Inserts the "arc" spline onto layer 5 and sets its start node to 100,200, end node to 200,300, start control node to 111,222, end control node to 333,444
| |
DELETEPRESET resourceid=id
Permanently delete one preset from the [C:]\Presets folder.
Permanently delete all presets from the [C:]\Presets folder.
CREATEPRESET source=[pool/timeline] resourceid=id resourcename=newname
Create a preset file on disk from the existing pool or timeline resource. You can add all mediainsert property commands after the above mandatory parameters
such as audiochans=7 or timeline=3 so that you configure the resource prior to saving it as a preset,
MEDIALUMA controlname mode [invert] |
Set the visual media's lumamode [off,luma,red,green,blue,alpha], optionally invert
MEDIALUMA [ctrlname=name] [resourcename=name] [mode=newmode] [invert=true/false] |
Set the visual media's data format mode (note the extra modes compared to the non-tagged version of medialuma command above):
This sets the data format expected in the media, so for example, LumaKey (Red) expects to use the red component of the media as lumakey,
whereas Depth (Alpha) expects to use the alpha component of the media as a depth modifier.
Modes: Colour
LumaKey (Intensity)
LumaKey (Red)
LumaKey (Green)
LumaKey (Blue)
LumaKey (Alpha)
Depth (Intensity)
Depth (Red)
Depth (Green)
Depth (Blue)
Depth (Alpha)
Depth (RGB)
MEDIALUMA ctrlname=movie_10251 mode="depth (intensity)" invert=true
MEDIALUMA ctrlname=movie_10251 mode=colour
MEDIAREMOVE controlname |
Remove resource from timeline |
MEDIAREMOVE layer=1 resourcename=string ctrlname=string type=movie background=true/false all=true/false tl=1 |
Remove all resources which match the given tags |
Remove all autodelete resources from timeline |
TRANSFORMPARAMS name x [y] [w] [h] [r] |
Set this transform animator in 2D |
TRANSFORMPARAMS name Az [El] [w] [h] [r] |
Set this transform animator in 3D |
TRANSFORMPARAMS [controlname / ctrlname=name]
[mode=absolute/relative/speed] [startx=0] [starty=0] [startw=0] [starth=0] [startr=0]
[endx=0] [endy=0] [endw=0] [endh=0] [endr=0] [enablex=0/1] [enabley=0/1] [enablew=0/1]
[enableh=0/1] [enabler=0/1] [persistent=0/1] [pingpong=0/1] [start_easelength=0]
[start_easespeed=0] [start_easeprofile=0.0] [center_easelength=0] [center_easespeed=0]
[end_easelength=0] [end_easespeed=0] [end_easeprofile=0.0] [enablestart=0/1]
[enableend=0/1] [xcount=0] [ycount=0] [rollcount=0] [startframe=X] [endframe=X]
Set the Transform Animator parameters (all parameters are optional)
RELOADIMAGES [name=controlname] |
Reload one or all images (non realtime command). A Tag of name="7thSense Splash" will reload
just this image
! |
CORRECTASPECT [mode=maintainheight] |
Correct the aspect of any image on the timeline which has the Maintain Aspect flag set. By default, the image's
width will be maintained and the height adjusted so the image is now the correct aspect. With the Mode = maintainheight tag set,
the height will be maintained and the width adjusted so the image is now the correct aspect. The X, Y and Roll values are not changed.
WEBSETURL res="ExternalControlName" url=""
hres=1280 vres=800
Change the web control's URL or resolution |
WEBNAVIGATE res="ExternalControlName" navigate=[back/forward/reload/stop]
Control this web resource |
ARTNET inputenable=[y/n] outputenable=[y/n] |
Enable or disable global ArtNet/DMX output broadcasting, input listening or both
SETARTNETCHANNEL channel=cvalue value=vval [stride=sval] |
Set ArtNet/DMX channel to this value directly, with optional stride of 1,2 or 4
MOVIEPARAMS ResourceName BaseFileName |
dynamically change the parameters of a movie |
TEXTPARAMS "resource name" "newtext" size R G B X Y |
Change any text to "newtext" fontsize, color and position are
Refresh the resoure pool |
! |
disk=[A-Z] path="movies\mypath\" basename="myfilename_" filetype=[7th / 7th420 / 7th422 / 7th444 / tga / dpx] digits=N pixels=W lines=H lengthframes=F
Add a movie resource to the resource pool without refreshing from disk
ADDPOOLRESOURCE type=movie disk=c path="movies\\amazon_720" basename="amazon_720_" filetype=7th420 digits=5 pixels=1280 lines=720 lengthframes=2445
ADDPOOLRESOURCE type=image disk=C path="Images\\foldername" basename="7thSense Splash" filetype=png pixels=974 lines=743
LISTEFFECTS source=[pool / timeline] [tl=1-255 / All / r]
List the realtime effects commands in this server
LISTEFFECTS source=timeline
name=Block Warp Transition:ctrlname=SE_10274
name=Venetian Concentric Transition:ctrlname=SE_10265
name=Venetian Blinds Transition:ctrlname=SE_10279
LISTEFFECTS source=timeline tl=3
name=Block Warp Transition:ctrlname=SE_10274
LISTEFFECTS source=pool
name=Venetian Concentric with Warp Transition
name=Venetian Concentric Transition
E |
GETEFFECTPARAMS [ctrlname = name] / [resourcename = name]
Get the parameters of individual effects resources. If using the ctrlname,
this is a Timeline resource, if using the resourcename, this is a Pool resource.
resourcename=My blinds:effectname=Venetian Blinds Transition:effecttype=Shader Transition
propertyname=Number of blocks:value=18.42:min=1.00:max=1000.00:type=float
propertyname=Transition Size:value=0.66:min=0.10:max=0.90:type=float
GETEFFECTPARAMS resourcename="Smoke Wipe"
resourcename=Smoke Wipe:effectname=Smoke Wipe:effecttype=Shader Transition
propertyname=Transition Size:value=0.25:min=0.10:max=0.90:type=float
E |
SETEFFECTPARAMS ctrlname = name propertyname=propname value = val
Set the parameters of individual effects resource on the timeline.
SETEFFECTPARAMS ctrlname=SE_10279 propertyname="number of blocks" value=5
SETEFFECTPARAMS ctrlname=SE_10265 propertyname="horizontal centre" value=0.5
SETTRANSITIONPARAMS resourcename= name / ctrlname = name [red=value] [green=value] [blue=value] [range=value] [tolerance=value] [mode=disabled/chroma/luma] [enabled] [disabled] [startframe=frame] [stopframe=frame]
Set the parameters of an individual transition resource on the timeline.
SETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10279 mode=chroma red=100 green=0 blue=50 enabled startframe=100 stopframe=200 // for dynamic keying resource
SETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10279 mode=luma level=50 range=4 tolerance=20 // for dynamic keying resource
SETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10265 direction=down // for fade, transparency or timeline alpha
SETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10263 alpha=40 // for dynamic transparency resource
SETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10261 level=44 // for dynamic audio resource
Notes : enabled, disabled, startframe, stopframe are common to all types. Use TRANSFORMPARAMS for transform animators
GETTRANSITIONPARAMS resourcename= name / ctrlname = name
Set the parameters of an individual transition resource on the timeline.
GETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10279 type="Dynamic Keying" frame=840 mode=chromakey red=224 green=32 blue=192 tolerance=0 range=0
GETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10279 type="Dynamic Keying" frame=834 mode=lumakey level=60 tolerance=12 range=13
GETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10265 type="Fade" frame=864 direction=up
GETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10263 type="Dynamic Transparency" frame=835 alpha=100
GETTRANSITIONPARAMS ctrlname=TP_10261 type="Dynamic Audio" frame=830 level=100
E |
SETCONTROLDATA ctrlname = name [current=value] [target=value] [ignorenexthit=true/false] [loopforever=true/false]
Set the hit-counting parameters of an individual control resource on the timeline - when the target is non-zero, each time the goto
is hit by playing into it, the current value is incremented so that when the current equals the target, the goto control is temporarily disabled, allowing playback to go
through this control. It then resets the current value to 0 so that the goto is again active.
- Set the current to 0, target to 10. The goto will temporarily disable when the goto has been hit 10 times.
SETCONTROLDATA ctrlname=Control_10279 target=10 current=0
- Set the current value to match the target, which causes the goto to temporarily disable on next hit.
SETCONTROLDATA ctrlname=Control_10279 ignorenexthit=true
- Set the target to 0, which disables the hit counting.
SETCONTROLDATA ctrlname=Control_10279 loopforever=true
Get a status response listing the Goto control's current & target values
- GETCONTROLDATAJSON ctrlname=Control_10279
{"ControlData" : { "ctrlname"="Control_10279" "current"=2 "target"=10}}
- GETCONTROLDATAJSON ctrlname=Control_10279 // which has been set to wait until triggered, but is not yet triggered
{"ControlData" : { "ctrlname"="Control_10279" "current"=0 "target"=0}}
- GETCONTROLDATAJSON ctrlname=Control_10279 // which has been set to wait until triggered, but is triggered
{"ControlData" : { "ctrlname"="Control_10279" "current"="triggered" "target"="triggered"}}
E |
Get a status response listing the movie's hold last frame flag state
- GETHOLDLASTFRAMEJSON ctrlname=Movie_10764
{"Resource" : { "Name":"movie_10764","HoldLastFrame":"1"}}OK
SETHOLDLASTFRAME ctrlname = name
Set the movie's hold last frame flag state
- SETHOLDLASTFRAME ctrlname=Movie_10764 hold=1
! |
Note that running most List... or Get... commands from a sequence will send the results to the Debugging Trace Window on the Sequence Editor