7thSense - Compere
External Control Help - 7thsense.one
Various commands can be sent into Compere from an external source to control it in different ways.
Currently Compere supports commands sent via TCP.
Configure IP addresses and ports in Compere Preferences.
- Commands and their parameters are case-insensitive. Each parameter's value is case sensitive, so paths could be differentiated by case if desired.
- Asterisk can be used for a whole word wildcard.
- Commands take a list of name=value parameters. Parameters include: path, value, type, cmd, makeactive and fullpath.
- Return values: every valid command acknowledges receipt with a response that contains at least success="true/false"; for commands that take time to action, status must be interrogated as a separate request.
Project archiving commands
| parameters/example | projectname: name of new project
| <command cmd="new" projectname="My project"/>
| |
| parameters/example | file: path to project file on disk
| <command cmd="open" file="C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\compere\Projects\Proj1.prj"/>
| |
save | Save the current project
| | parameters/example | file: destination path on disk
| <command cmd="save" file="C:\Users\[UserName]\AppData\Local\compere\Projects\Proj1.prj"/>
| |
Project interaction commands
delete | Delete a node from the project
| | parameters/example | path: path of the node to set
| <command cmd="delete" path="/GroupSet/Group/Projector"/>
| |
get | Returns all properties of a project node
| | parameters/example | path: path of the node to get
| <command cmd="get" path="RenderSettingsSet/RenderSettings/viewVerticalAngle"/>
| |
set | Set the value of a property of a project node
| | parameters/example | path: path of the node to set
| value: new value of this property
| <command cmd="set" path="RenderSettingsSet/RenderSettings/viewVerticalAngle" value="5"/>
| |
setlink | Create link between two nodes in the project
| | parameters/example | src: link source node path
| dst: link destination node path
| <command cmd="setLink" src="/GroupSet/Group/MyJuggler/Matrix/Input:3/outputconnection" dst="/GroupSet/Group/MyJuggler/Matrix/Output:2/inputconnection"/>
| |