System Backup and Switching

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System Backup and Switching

MySQL database

In order to preserve your records and your content, the MySQL database should be backed up on a regular basis, even if you are not running backup systems. How you achieve this is an IT systems decision, but we could recommend MySQL Workbench as a tool for exporting and recovery.

Switching to a backup media server

If a media server fails, or you want to take it out for maintenance, set the display switcher to the backup. If this is online and running, display is immediate: the Scheduler is addressing both. Reassign the role of the Backup to Primary, and if still online, assign the Primary to Backup. This ensures the reports and logs relate to what is going to the displays.

Switching to a backup scheduler

If a Scheduler fails, or you want to swap it out, your main concern is the database. If it is being shared, simply reassign the Scheduler for each media server (in Dashboard, click the gear wheel for each in turn). If the database is not shared, but copied onto the backup – perhaps on a daily basis – all you will lose is the day’s manual scheduling changes.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 20/01/2023