Create a Project Group

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Create a Project Group

Jugglers and devices on a shared network will be discovered by Compere running on the same network. In Compere on your control PC, go to Configuration > Network Configuration. This will bring up the Network Configuration Panel, which has two tabs: ‘Discovery’, and ‘Project Group’:


What is a Project Group?

All instances of Jugglers and PCs running Compere that wish to share a Project must belong to the same Project Group.

You do not need to create a new Project Group unless you want more than one, or wish to name it. Each Juggler on the network belongs to the ‘Default’ Group, or can be assigned to your own Group(s). If you need only two Groups, create two new named Groups, rather than using the Default Group plus one named Group.

Click the ‘New Group’ button and enter a name and the port on which this Group will communicate (both are required), and click ‘Create Group’:


If you go back and edit these details, click ‘Apply’ and ‘OK’.

Group Name
Provide a concise name for this group of Jugglers. Duplicate Group names are disallowed.

Port Number
The port you wish to use for this Group. Groups are separate and do not communicate with each other. The default Compere port is 5555, but can be any available port.

Select Colour
Choose a colour to characterise this Project Group. This will help in the Discovery tab to identify members of different groups.


Add as many Groups as you need. Groups can also be deleted and any members will revert to the Default group. The colours are used in the Discovery tab:


Page edited [d/m/y]: 26/09/2022