Media Properties

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Media Properties

Click a resource name to open its play properties:

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Properties: All Resources

Length Tab
This is the duration that the resource will play, in SMPTE format. Movie resources also offer a Start and/or an End point, either times within the length of the movie, or using the clip start and/or end.

Fade Mode Tab
Media can be faded to transparent over a set number of frames (default is 30). This will apply a fade in and a fade out

Misc. Tab
Media can be forced to fullscreen, otherwise it will maintain its aspect ratio. For frame-based movies (non-codec), play speed can also be incrementally adjusted. Resource length and time points as displayed, remain according to original framerate.

Properties: Movies

Play Mode Tab
A movie can be played just once, looped a number of times, or set to play until triggered (the blue button to the right of the Express play controls). When triggered it can be set to complete the current play loop including any end fade, or stop immediately.

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Audio Tab
Next to the movie name above, a green audio icon is showing. This indicates that codec audio is present and enabled:

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If disabled, the icon will be grey.

Separate audio files will be detected as matched if they share the same filename stem of a frame-based (e.g. 7TH, STH, or .tga) movie. Movies extracted using DFM (Distributed File Manager) will already have channel ID suffixes in their filenames.

If matched audio is found, it can be enabled. The resource bar will show a green tick. Disabled matched audio will show grey.

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Example of matched files:


will match:
