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Scheduler PC

StackSignage is managed from a Scheduler PC. This holds the Scheduler app, the Snapshot app (optional) and a MySQL database. It instructs what gets played, where and when, presents a control dashboard, and reports on the playback activity. The primary Scheduler PC can be supported by a backup PC.

The Snapshot app allows camera capture at prescribed times as proof of display. The Scheduler software triggers a frame-save command and a frame is saved from the camera to a configurable location.

Delta Media Servers

These are the servers that carry the DeltaServer display configuration and playback software. Once the displays have been configured, this software need not be addressed directly. The StackSignage Player app is installed on each of these servers. This listens to the Scheduler, interprets all the commands and assembles the show that the DeltaServer software will play.

The media servers can also have backup servers in place that can be switched in as a fail-safe.

These servers also hold the display media and the MediaSync app. Media can be sourced and distributed, if required, from a Network Attached Storage (NAS) server. MediaSync syncs files between configurable sources and destinations for ensuring media are available on any server where they may be needed.

As many servers as required are networked and are preferably genlocked (LTC synchronised) via an audio stream.

For more guidance, see Synchronising Delta Media Systems

In this example system there is a scheduler and two players. Media is uploaded from a NAS, and an LTC source provides synchronisation. There are three displays in a screen group, two linked to the first player, one to the other. The players are each configured to these display dimensions. As a backup, each server has a standby server that can be called into play if needed.

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Primary and Backup Servers

Everything is duplicated here except for the Screens (Displays 1-3). For the closest to a fail-safe operation, all Player servers are running, all populated with the same media resources in mirrored locations. Players have their StackSignage shows configured for their connected display arrangements. Here the video walls are quite different. A single backup Player could be used, set up with separate configurations for each display and switchable to either. It needs a little more expertise with the DeltaServer software but only takes a little longer to switch over.

The Scheduler holds the main database, but this could be stored elsewhere and shared between a primary and a backup. The live database is the most volatile element, so today’s changes will not be mirrored on your last database backup.

How much fail-safe you build in is up to you. It could be a minimum spare Player and/or Scheduler.

See System Backup