Commands > Master or Slave Rack

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Commands > Master or Slave Rack

LOAD "file name"

Load the filename specified

MERGE "file name"

Merge the filename specified with the current show


Clear the timeline (same as File New)


Return a status message

SHORTSTATUS [seconds / smpte / file]

Returns status information (frame/play mode) in a variety of formats


Return a list of tagged status information.


Return a list of status strings for the specified timeline, including current timecode, timeline visibility, enabled, fade, autoplay status


Returns the current show, permanent XML and XDL filenames


Start recording, details set in GUI

DISPLAY fullscreen

Make the playback window fullscreen

DISPLAY windowed

Make the playback window windowed

DISPLAY minimized

Make the playback window minimized

DISPLAYALL [minimized, fullscreen, windowed ]

As above, master will send to slaves

DIALOG windowed

Make the server dialog visible

DIALOG minimized

Make the server dialog minimized


List the Media Player XML files in "path"


List any markers on the timeline.

TICKER "newtext" size R G B

Change the ticker text to "newtext" at font size "size" and colours R G B each off (0) to full (255).

Note that this is not a real-time command, so will interrupt playback for a few frames.


Change the ticker Y location in pixels

GLOBALFADE [ up / down] n

Fade the video up or down over n seconds. If sent to a master server, this will do the group

GLOBALAUDIOFADE [ up / down] n

Fade the video up or down over n Seconds If sent to a master server, this will do the group


Set the overall video level to the percentage


Set the overall audio level to the percentage

LAYERFADE [layer / name] opacity

Set Dynamic Transparency controls to the percentage opacity. This is set by layer (1 – 250 + background) or by resource name.

Version 2

LAYERFADE2 [layer=layer_num] / [resname=name] [percent=val] / [byte=val] [allingroup=yes]

Set Dynamic Transparency controls to the percentage opacity. This is set by layer (1 – 250 + background) or by resource name.
Optionally use percent or byte (0-255) values and optionally send to all in that group


LAYERFADE2 layer=2 percent=90 allingroup=yes

Fade dynamic transparency on layer 2 to 90% on all servers in that group

LAYERFADE2 resname=MyFade byte=255

Fade dynamic transparency named MyFade to 100% (value of 255)

LAYERFADETIMED [ name / layer ] [ up / down ] n

Fade the dynamic transparency on the layer or by control name up or down (in 1000ms or 1.5s or 100f)

LAYERFADETIMEDALL [ name / layer ] [ up / down ] n

Do this on all servers.

LAYERFADETIMEDTO layer=Layernum time=Fadetime value=[0-100] all=[y/n] startvalue=[0-100]

Fade to a specific opacity value over time, optionally set the start value as well and optionally all servers or this one.

LAYERENABLE layer [ on/ off ]

Set a specific layer on or off

LAYERENABLEALL layer [ on/ off ]

Set all servers layer on or off

MOVIEPARAMS resourcename basefilename

Dynamically change a movies path in Realtime for advanced movie switching


Turn on geometry, blending and beams, turn off grid, stats and graph, set fullscreen and channel mode.

RESERVE [ on / off ]

Go into / out of Reserve Mode.
If sent to a master server, this will do the group MOVIEDRIVES [C-Z] [C-Z] [C-Z] [C-Z] [C-Z] [C-Z]: Set the primary movie drive, or set all 6 movie drive letters


Set the other resource drive letter (for images, audio etc.)

SMPTE [ on / off ]

If SMPTE chasing is available on this PC, turn it on or off for a master


Run the named sequence on this server


Run the named sequence on all servers in the group


Cancel the named sequence


Cancel all sequences on this server


Load the named sequences xml file


Reload the current sequences xml file.


List the available sequences


List the available actions for a sequence

PAUSESEQUENCE uniquename [y/n]

Pause or continue the named sequence

GLOBALVARGET $variablename

Return the value of this global variable

GLOBALVARSET $variablename=value

Set the value of this global variable (or create the variable if does not exist)


List all variables and values


Delete this variable

MEDIAMOVE controlname x [y] [w] [h] [r] [fullscreen / flat / channel]

Move the media with external control name in 2D
Examples: MEDIAMOVE image1 channel 2 or MEDIAMOVE image2 100 100 1024 768

MEDIAMOVE controlname Az [El] [w] [h] [r] [fullscreen / flat / channel / fisheye / panoramic]

Move the media with external control name in 3D
Examples: MEDIAMOVE image1 fisheye or MEDIAMOVE image2 –20 30 60 40 90

MEDIAMOVE [controlname / ctrlname=name] [x=X] [y=Y] [w=W] [h=H] [r=R] [fullscreen / flat / channel] [feather=percent] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ]

Alternative syntax: Move this media in 2D, all parameters are optional and tagged, e.g X=11

MEDIALAYER controlname layer

Changed layer of media with this external control name

MEDIACOLOR controlname red green blue [contrast] [alpha] [reset]

Set a resource rgb colour, optionally set the overall gain of the resource or alpha (all in %)
Examples: MEDIACOLOR Image_233 10 255 10 100 50 or MEDIA Image_233 reset

MEDIALUMA controlname mode [invert]

Set the visual media’s lumamode
Modes: [off,luma,red,green,blue,alpha], optionally invert.

MEDIAENABLE controlname [y/n]

Enable or disable a timeline resource by its external control name.

Note that enabling movies while playing will not work without first stopping.

Version 1 (deprecated, but works)

MEDIAINSERT type resourcename [frame / +frame / -frame] [layer] [x y] [w h] [crop "L R T B"] [feather %] [controlname / ctrlname=newname] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ] [length=framecount] autodelete

Examples (Version 1)

MEDIAINSERT image white.jpg


MEDIAINSERT image white.jpg 123 12

MEDIAINSERT image white.jpg 123 12 100 200

MEDIAINSERT image white.jpg 123 12 100 200 333 444

MEDIAINSERT movie "mymovie channel 1" 123 12 autodelete

MEDIAINSERT movie "mymovie channel 1" 123 12 ctrlname=whitemovie

MEDIAINSERT image white.jpg +100

MEDIAINSERT movie "mymovie channel 1" 123 12 crop="10 0 0 0" feather=20

Version 2

MEDIAINSERT [type=image/movie/audio/capture/geometry/blend/effect/control] [resourcename=myresourcename] [newname=mynewname] [frame= newframe / +frame / -frame] [layer=newlayer / background] [x=X] [y=Y] [w=W] [h=H] [autodelete] [ctrlname=myctrlname] [length=framecount] [feather=percent] [crop=\"L% R% T% B%\" ] [channel=ChannelNumber] [mapping=channel/flat] [fullscreen] [audiochans=XX]: [direction=up/dn]

Add a resource to the timeline, optionally set other parameters.
Insert a movie or image at a specific layer, frame or position onscreen, optionally autodelete it once the resource has been played through.

Examples (Version 2, Tag Style)

MEDIAINSERT type=effect resourcename=transparency frame=100 direction=up


MEDIAINSERT type=effect resourcename=fade frame=100 direction=dn


MEDIAINSERT type=control resourcename=loop frame=100


MEDIAINSERT type=control resourcename=marker frame=100


MEDIAINSERT type=blend resourcename="Flat Blends" newname="Ch2" channel=2


MEDIAINSERT type=image resourcename="my white.jpg" layer=2


MEDIAINSERT type=audio resourcename=ls audiochans=f

Audiochans is bitwise, so FF equates to 1111 1111 which is the first 8 channels enabled.
Note this works only for mono files, stereo and multichannel audio always contain speaker mappings.

AudioChans are hex values in the order RSide, LSide, RS, LS, Sub, C, R, L, so to enable RSide Rsurround R and L, the binary is 1001 0101 which is A3 in Hex

MEDIAINSERT type=movie frame=+200 resourcename=mymovie mapping=channel channel=4 x=100 y=100 w=1000 h = 800 TL=3

This will insert the movie 200 frames ahead of the current timecode on timeline 3, channel mapped to channel 4, but with offsets of 100,100 from the top left corner of channel 4, sized at 1000x800.

Note that when adding a movie to the timeline, it should be placed ahead of the current frame to allow the movie to cache.

MEDIAREMOVE controlname

Remove all resources with this control name from the timeline


Remove all resources which have been inserted with autodelete, but not yet played through.

Version 1:

TRANSFORMPARAMS transformer_name X Y W H R

alter the transform animator values

TRANSFORMPARAMS transformer_name Az El W H R

alter the transform animator values in frustum mode

Version 2:

TRANSFORMPARAMS [controlname / ctrlname=name] [mode=absolute/relative/speed] [startx=0] [starty=0] [startw=0] [starth=0] [startr=0] [endx=0] [endy=0] [endw=0] [endh=0] [endr=0] [enablex=0/1] [enabley=0/1] [enablew=0/1] [enableh=0/1] [enabler=0/1] [persistent=0/1] [pingpong=0/1] [start_easelength=0] [start_easespeed=0] [start_easeprofile=0.0] [center_easelength=0] [center_easespeed=0] [end_easelength=0] [end_easespeed=0] [end_easeprofile=0.0] [enablestart=0/1] [enableend=0/1] [xcount=0] [ycount=0] [rollcount=0] [startframe=X] [endframe=X]

Set the Transform Animator parameters (all parameters are optional except control name)

Examples (Version 2)

TRANSFORMPARAMS controlname=myTA mode=speed start_easespeed=5 start_easelength=60 center_easespeed=20 center_easelength=200 end_easelength=5 end_easespeed=0

This example sets the myTA transform animator and sets start, centre and end speeds and lengths.

TEXTPARAMS resource_name "new text" Size R G B X Y

Change any text resource’s text, colour, size or position. The parameters after the new text are all optional.

SETSPEAKERMIX audioname L R C Sub LS RS LSide RSide

Set a mono audio file’s 8 speaker volumes (in percent). You do not have to send all volume levels. External software can use these values to provide spatial audio based on a speaker location and volume level.

RELOADIMAGES [name=controlname] [1]

Reload all images on the timeline. Note that this is a non-realtime control and may stall playback while the images are loaded. This command allows you to replace images in a folder, while the show is loaded and reload them prior to playing the show.
Adding the "1" parameter will delete the thumbnails held for the images, these will be recreated on the next Refresh Resources or restart of the server application

GEOMETRY [on / off]

Enable or disable all geometry on this server

BLENDING [on / off]

Enable or disable all blending on this server

SETDISPLAYCONFIG "XDL File path and name"

Set the permanent XDL file


Set the permanent XDL file for the group


Set the permanent XML file


Set the permanent XML file on all servers

GROUP group [master/slave]

Set the group of this server, optionally change it to master or slave.

GRAPH [on/off]

Turn the diagnostic graph onscreen on or off

STATS [on/off]

Turn the diagnostic text onscreen on or off


Immediately restarts the server (Note – will not prompt to save any un-saved work)


Immediately shuts the server down (Note – will not prompt to save any un-saved work)


Quit the server application.


Set the timeline opacity, with optional fade over time in seconds


Set the timeline opacity, with optional fade over time in seconds for all servers in this group.


Make a timeline visual or non visual

SETNUMTIMELINES value=X reserve=[0/1]

Set number of active timelines (1-8) and optionally set if Reserve is enabled or not.

AUTOPLAY controlname [on/off]

Set a movie to be autoplay or not

PLAYAUTOPLAYMOVIES controlname [on/off]

Play or stop autoplay movies


Start from the beginning or from the last frame when starting to play an autoplay movie.


Gets autoplaying status of timelines.

CHANNELMOVE [name=channame or num=X] [x=X] [y=Y] [w=W] [h=H]

CHANNELCOMPVP [name=channame or num=X] [x=X] [y=Y] [w=W] [h=H]

These commands are part of the optional Composition Mode which allows the setting of channels or the input viewports from ArtNet.

SETMESHDATA meshid=meshidval [x=xval] [y=yval] [z=zval] [h=hval] [p=pval] [r=rval] [xscale=xscaleval] [yscale=yscaleval] [zscale=zscaleval]

Set one of the 16 Mesh objects location and size.


Set the test pattern to normal (no testpattern), chequer, black, white, greyscale, crosshatch, sphericaldots, dipslaygrid (yes/no)


Select which timeline to preview, 1-8. 255 means all timelines.


Register to listen to Preview.


Unregister to listen to Preview.

SELECTSDIFORMAT name="formatname" OR index=X

Select the current SDI format by name or Index

INITAUDIO forceuseasio=[y/n] forceasiointerface=[Zero based audio interfaceindex (as listed in the GUI)] forcenumchannels=0-16

Note – if no forced options are used, audio will be reinitialised with existing options

WEBSETURL res="External Control Name" url="" hres=H vres=V

change a web control’s domain and optionally the rendered resolution.

WEBNAVIGATE res=\"ExternalControlName\" navigate=[back/forward/reload/stop]

make the web control navigate as if the browser buttons are used.

ARTNET inputenable=[y/n] outputenable=[y/n]

Enable or Disable broadcasting output and input listening independently.

SETARTNETCHANNEL channel=cvalue value=vvalue [stride=sval]

Set a channel to a value and optionally set the stride to 1, 2 or 4. Note that any ArtNet timeline resource on the same channel will overwrite these values when in scope.


This help information

Note: File names or marker names must be enclosed in double quotes if there is a space in the name.