Medialon MRCs' Help
Name: Adlink PCI–7432
Version: 6.7.2
Available for: Manager V7 and Manager V6 (Lite & Pro), Showmaster (Mini)
Limitation In:
Device Brand: Adlink
Resources Types: I/O


The 7432 product is a 32 isolated digital input and 32 isolated digital output (open collector) channels board. Each output can sink 5Vdc to 32Vdc loads with a maximum of 500mA in total. Each input can handle from 0–24V dc with a resistance of 2.4KOhm@0.5W. The isolation voltage is up to 5000 Vrms.

DIN–100S terminal board can be connected to the card using a SCSI 100Pins cable. Adlink PCI–7432 board is no longer managed by MXM Adlink PCI7432 as it was in previous version of Medialon Manager. Adlink PCI–7432 boards, Real or “Virtual”, Resources in your project is accessed by the MXM Medialon IO.


Wiring & Pins Assignment

Pin out of the PCI–7432 board is matched to the pin out of the DIN–100S terminal board.

Input connection could be either a current source (common ground) or current sink (common power)

Output connection could be common ground connection or common power connection. When the output goes "ON" the sink current will be conducted through the transistor whereas when the output goes "OFF" no current is conducted.

If the load is of an inductance nature such as a relay, coil or motor, the VDD pin must be connected to an external power source.The extra connection is utilized for the fly-wheel diode to form a current-release closed loop, so that the transistor are protected from any high reverse voltage which can be generated by the inductance load when the output is switched from "On" to "OFF".

Here is an example for a Push Button and a LED:

For more information, refer to the Adlink documentation:


Resource Scanning

This MRC doesn’t support ressource scanning feature.


Medialon Products can manage Adlink PCI–7432 boards as Input/Output resources.


V 6.0.0

V 6.1.0

V 6.7.0