Compere Projects

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Compere Projects

There is always a Project

Once Compere runs, on a control PC or as a Juggler, Actor or Conjurer, a Project is always present. This is true whether offline, or in the role of client or server.

If this is an unconnected instance, Compere will, on opening, start a new empty project, or run a default project if one has been assigned.

If the instance is a client or a server, is online, but is not a member of a project group with a server, it will open as if unconnected.

If the instance is a client, is online, and joins a project group with an assigned server, it will receive and run the Project of that server.

If the instance is a server, is online, and is a member of a project group, whatever Project is running (new, empty or default) will persist and be handed to all online project group clients present or joining.

As the Project is assembled, all changes made from any instance of Compere are referred back to the project group server to redistribute to all clients. Changes to a Project when made offline as a server are distributed on going online. If a client from a group goes offline, edits the Project and then rejoins, its changes will be lost.

Saving and sharing, projects and parts

You can create and save as many Projects as you want in Compere. Parts of a Project (e.g. a configured Projector, Window, Canvas) can also be saved as Clones or Presets for reuse in Projects, so clear naming is important. Project (.xml) files can be saved locally, but can only be distributed among a project group by a server.

Edits to a Project by any member of a project group, whether in a client or server role, are collected and distributed to all others via the server.

Similarly, any device running Compere that joins the project group as a client will be given the Project file, displacing any other, so that it follows the same script as the ‘stage manager’ (server).

Server determines the project

Distributed files reside on all instances of Compere on the network (this includes every Juggler and control PC), so that every one has its own directions, and any one can be assigned the role of server. The server coordinates the distribution of the current Project to all clients, receiving edits from any client and distributing all revisions.

Compere can be used offline – as a client but switched to offline – or as a client without a project group server present. Project edits while offline will not be saved or distributed, but can be exported locally.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 05/12/2023