Overview: Delta System Architecture

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Overview: Delta System Architecture

New starter? For workflow in Delta media systems, see:

Delta Workflow for New Users

This includes installing and setting up a control PC with DeltaGUI.

Media shows and displays that are designed, shaped and sized for specific environments rely on systems integration to translate and control flat media and audio to real space.

Delta Media Servers are the hardware that provide optimised superfast delivery of uncompressed video and audio across multiple synchronised devices to any number of output channels.

DeltaServer is the playback server software with comprehensive integration to external show control devices and a limited user interface. DeltaServer serves its shows into the Playback Window, which is usually shown full screen during playback.

DeltaGUI is the graphical user interface with full editing capabilities. DeltaGUI allows full control over the display environment parameters, for multichannel, flat, curved, dome or mapped projection surfaces.
DeltaGUI is a comprehensive user interface to all instances of DeltaServer found on the network. DeltaGUI communicates through Ethernet, finding the server(s) automatically, and presenting the resources available for interactive editing. It contains all the tools to position, coordinate, and play multiple, layered timelines containing media resources, so users can create complex shows and save them to disk for later playback. DeltaGUI is not essential for playback, only for show creation.

DeltaAudio is a tray application and sub-component of DeltaServer, which runs automatically when DeltaServer launches, to provide a common interface to audio devices. This application is essential for audio playback.

Delta Web Service provides a web-based user interface to control multiple Delta servers. Overview, Backup and Restore, playback Preview, user-created control pages, and scheduling are built-in.

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Delta uses various ports and protocols, including servers scanning for an available GUI, so the Delta network should not be connected to an IT network or the internet, for security reasons as well as interruption of timing between racks.

External Control is available to each Server through RS232 or Ethernet.

This manual covers the functionality of Delta Media Servers, using the DeltaGUI display setup, and creating shows from mixed media, multiple effects, and controls.

Page edited [d/m/y]: 03/02/2023